Exhibit Photograph

color, child biking in front of red building at the end of alleyway
Jon Sniezek, “Childhood Past.” Expired E-color 35mm film, manufactured at the Ferrania facility, 200 ISO (2023)

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Photos by Jon Sniezek on 35mm Ferrania film.

color, building with scaffolding and construction sign on street corner
color, child biking in front of red building at the end of alleyway
color, trash can seen through tree leaves
color, empty pot on weed-covered ground in front of brick wall with vines, railing in foreground
color, close up of yellow window latch
color, light pouring through window with "Approved" postings on other side
color, alleyway around corner of brick building with flowers crawling up side
color, grass backyard of suburban house
color, blue-gray shed in front of suburban house with bright red fence to left
color, "No Parking Driveway" sign nailed to tree trunk on side of suburban street
color, car parked on side of suburban home with multiple satellites attached to it
color, purple flowers growing through wire fence next to house
sun behind white cloud in blue sky with power lines crossing in front