phanie Brock is a native of the Pacific Northwest. She attended the University of Washington as an undergraduate (B.S. Chemistry, 1990), performing research on oxygen-atom transfer reactions under the direction of Professor James M. Mayer. Brock attended graduate school at U. C. Davis, where she worked with Professor Susan M. Kauzlarich in the area of solid state chemistry. Her dissertation focused on the synthesis and structure-magnetic property investigations of layered pnictide and pnictide oxide compounds of Mn and Zn. She graduated in March of 1995 and then stayed on for several months as a postdoctoral associate where she studied mixed metal pnictide oxides. Brock began a postdoctoral position at the University of Connecticut in August of 1995 with Professor Steven Suib. There, she developed expertise in soft chemistry routes to nanomaterials through the synthesis and characterization of novel manganese oxide colloids. She also worked with ac-glow discharge plasmas for hydrogen generation and carbon dioxide decomposition. In the Fall of 1999, Brock began a tenure-track position in the Department of Chemistry at Wayne State University. She was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2005 and the rank of Professor in 2009. Brock is also adjunct in the Department of Chemical Engineering/Materials Science at WSU.