Hey, CLAS Communicators!
If you’re interested in attending a training on the content management system (CMS) that powers our new website, you can sign up for a monthly session with our Central Marketing Team at go.wayne.edu/cmstraining.
As Wayne State’s Web Marketing Team was the chosen developer for our new website, they regularly provide these CMS trainings covering the system basics. You are not required to have your new website launched yet in order to attend, but you’re more than welcome to, or just wait until your site is near launch.
Additional web trainings covering features and practices specific to CLAS will be hosted by us as in the past.
If you’re ready to begin preparing your website for the move, here’s a checklist to get started: blogs.wayne.edu/clasmarketing/website-upgrade
Faculty bulletin updates
Per a recent question, you can update your department faculty listing for the bulletin at bulletins.wayne.edu/faculty/update.
Be sure to bookmark this for future reference 😉