In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating the career insights panel across all CLAS program pages. This update comes as a result of a new company acquiring our previous vendor.
The updated career insights panel will function very similarly to the previous version but with a refreshed interface and new features. The data sourcing for its content is by and large the same with dynamic updates according to the most recent jobs data. CLAS will be the first college to integrate this new version.
Before: B.A. in Economics Career Insight
After: B.A. in Economics Career Insight
One of the most notable changes is how the data (salary, growth, etc.) is now presented around specific occupations/titles rather than more general figures about the industry or field. The interest assessment tool on the university’s admissions page will also be updated.
For more information about the new features, FAQs and more, see the Career Insights documentation page.
At the direction of Ahmad Ezzeddine, the career insights panel will be standard for undergraduate programs and optional for graduate programs (in cases where the data may not be representative of the program’s outcomes).
However, please note that excluding the career insights panel from graduate programs is not recommended as it can create an inconsistent browsing experience for students with some programs having this career information and some not. From a marketing and recruitment standpoint, we know that students are very interested in understanding how their degree and studies translate to a career. We believe that this is one of the most effective and efficient tools within our website to help serve them well in that regard.
Occupation listing
Similar to the previous version of career insights, the panel allows for several customizations including a tailored listing of sample (not exhaustive) occupations.
Program personnel should review the occupations list for accuracy. If you submitted a revised occupations list in the previous version of Career Insights, we’ll carry those over to the new one. Occupations are organized using O*NET classifications.
⚠️ Important: To add/revise occupations in your Career Insights panel, use the WSU Master Occupations List and send any changes to clas@wayne.edu.
Opting out (for grad programs)
If you believe that the career insights data is not representative of your program’s outcomes, please do the following:
- Very that your scope is adjusted appropriately (using the toggle button at the bottom of the panel) to view data by Wayne County or nationally.
- Review and amend the occupation list by sending revisions to clas@wayne.edu. We don’t control the actual career data within the panel but it is sampled from live job postings in which some occupations may better reflect program outcomes than others.
- Review the compensation model and job posting analytics methodology to better understand how this data is presented and identify where the discrepancy may reside.
- Explore customization options with the CLAS Marketing Team such as masking a particular field (e.g., projected outlook, job openings, etc.) if a particular data point is problematic.
If we’re unable to reach a satisfactory solution for your graduate program, we can remove the career insights panel from that program page.
Should you opt out of displaying career insights, please be prepared to share with students about career outcomes and occupations if/when requested. This doesn’t have to be posted on the website (and generally shouldn’t be due to update frequency) but we want this information to be accessible to students in the absence of having it on demand through the program’s web page.
Help and assistance
For help or feedback with Career Insights, please contact the CLAS Marketing Team at clas@wayne.edu.