I believe that there are 2 genders. I think that whichever gender you were born with is the gender that you are. I also feel that I have to be very cautious of peoples pronouns and I don’t know what to refer to them as. How I would describe my gender is woman and girl. Gender is important to determine who you are and it determines procreating. A man and woman create life and I don’t believe in other genders. I am catholic and in my religion we don’t believe in that and so I think that I have grown up with that mindset. I think gender just started to become a popular topic and now everyone is trying new things these days and I think that people want to be different. I think that I was more involved in that group that I would be very different. I just don’t agree with the multiple genders and now it’s getting too populated with the lgbtq that I wonder that in the future if it becomes even more popular that the population rate will go down.

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