I believe that I fit in the middle somewhere. I feel like some of the traditional forms of parenting and family is good, but I also believe that family diversity and being nonjudgmental is also necessary. I think that it is good to question authority when you know something is not right or if you have a different view on the situation. On the other hand, I think children should be able to run around outside and do their own thing with activities, instead of a parent scheduling it for them and being a helicopter parent.
When I was growing up, I was in a pretty traditional household. I have a mom and a dad and two other siblings. My dad was tougher on us compared to my mom. My mom would cook dinner and clean the house, while also working. And my dad would work at his job and fix things around the house and mow the lawn etc. It was very like the moms are doing what the “traditional” moms do and the dads do what the “traditional” dads do in the family dynamic. I feel like this is a very traditional household. I can imagine my family to be like this in the future because that is how I grew up.
I want a husband and three kids, and I want to cook for my family every night. Partly, because I enjoy it, and partly because that is what I grew up on. But I feel the difference is that I want my kids to be able to talk to me about anything. When I was growing up, it felt like I couldn’t talk to my parents about how I was feeling or what I was going through, and it was really tough on me. Traditional families tend to not talk about what is going on mentally I feel like. When I have a family, I want them to be able to open up about anything that’s going on in their lives.
I want them to be able to confine in me and have a non-judgmental household. I feel like that it where the differences are, and that is why I am in the middle of the two. I can see all three sides, and each has its pros and cons, but ultimately, I feel like the middle is a good choice. But I can see all the sides of the conservatives, liberals, and progressives.