I define gender as what you consider your sex to be, I do think that there is a birth given sex but that is when life is more simplistic, babies have nothing to worry about, as life goes on it gets more complex which when people start to choose how they want to be identified as. I don’t really feel like I’ve learned about my gender I feel that I’ve always grown-up thinking and feeling like a woman with no thought about It, there have been times where I have felt like femininity and mine specifically was embraced and it was a beautiful feeling; however, I don’t feel like I have learned about my gender. Gender equality is important because (not to sound clique) but men are not superior, they just are not. I am not saying women are superior but there’s nothing God given that makes them better or special, men were known as the bread winners in history, and it has created this picture of we have to be dependent on men that over the years has given their gender the upper leg in my opinion.

Whether it be wages, a promotion, corporate ladder, the appointed leaders on any level from a kid’s soccer coach to the president of the United States. The images that come to mind and words that come to my mind when I hear LGBT+ terms are happiness, pride, a sunny picture of people embracing who they are, community. I also think of my brother, he’s gay and coming from where we grew up in Fowlerville, Mi I’m sure it was very tough for him to constantly feel like he was a secret and I think he is very courageous and I’m proud of where he is at today. I think if I became more immersed within the community as an ally, I don’t think my life would change drastically but it would change, I would meet new people and find different way to support and uplift them by physically being present at rallies and parades and being another body of support and love.

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