I personally see gender as something that was a societal construction in order to classify people as well as to justify oppression of certain groups. For example, the saying “But you’re a woman” or “A woman can’t do that” Etc. The word woman is used as a justification for why a certain person should or should not act a certain way, be in a certain job, have certain dreams, etc. The same does go for men. Such as the saying “men don’t cry”

I am expected to get married and have kids because of my gender. I resent this a lot because I am not interested in either. I have no desire to get married or have kids. I want to be able to travel and do what I want with my life and having marriage or kids can prevent a woman or anyone really from doing certain things. Traveling is much harder with kids and kids are expensive. I also am just not a fan of kids, I’ve never been in love or in like with anyone. My mom and I have talked about this and she has said its ok, but from somewhere I still feel that not wanting marriage or kids is wrong. It may come from society. I don’t quite know.

I do not know how involved I am with the LGBTQ+ community. I would like to be more involved with the LGBTQ+ community because I do not know what my sexuality could be or whether I want to go by they/them. I am honestly to scared to try new things such as using they/them. I don’t know. I is confused but moving on. Something I wanted to say was In answer to the question do men or women have it worse because of gender inequality. I talked it through with my older sister and I believe you cant compare how men and women are affected by gender inequality because it is different. You can’t compare people’s pain, their experiences. It invalidates them which is crap. Comparing it would be like comparing back surgery to pregnancy. You just can’t because its different. Its different pain which people process and detail with differently.

Not only that but people feel the pain differently. A persons experience with gender inequality is there own and is not any less or any more than someone else’s. I have never liked when people have input on my own experiences with pain. It just feels icky. I wonder what the world would look like if we didn’t have gender. I’m struggling to answer the questions above because I know what these certain things mean in our society today, but I don’t know what they mean to me. I don’t always give much thought to femininity or masculinity. Not sure if its because I just think people are people or if its because I’m subconciously aware and don’t look any closer at it.  

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