That last meal I ate was last night for dinner. I’m usually don’t eat breakfast aside from a piece of fruit and a granola bar, so that last meal I ask was last night. My mom prepared a soft taco meal with spicy beef, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, salsa, etc. I ate this roughly at 6:30-7 because I got home late after playing pickle ball with my friends. I ended up eating at my dinner table alone, because my family had already eaten, but my parents were in the room so I wasn’t alone. I didn’t need any utensils for eating the tacos and I had just water for my drink.

I talked with my parents as I ate because this was the first time I had seen them that day. My dad was watching tv so their was some background noise as I ate and we talked. I’m aware enough to know that I’m a fast eater in general. I try to eat slow but sometimes if I’m really hungry, you can’t stop me from eating in the blink of an eye. My kitchen tables always have a napkin dispenser so I did use a napkin, especially considering the tacos were a bit messy. What these details tell me about my social class is that we not only don’t have to worry about where our next meal comes from, but we are able to enjoy a nicer meals, with name brand products. What this says is that we are financially comfortable enough to not have to worry about things that lower classes might have to worry about. It does make me feel fortunate because these issues never existed for my family.

I am very grateful for what my family has and that we can enjoy a nice family meal on a Monday. It makes me think about lower classes who have to skip a meal or eat the same thing all week because it’s all they could afford. It does make me feel bad in a sense, because growing up, money was never something I thought about as a issue. I was able to grow up and not have those worries as compared to someone who might have.  

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