One thing I wish I could write about in social inequality is the impact of frowning up in different environments while experiencing different formats of speaking and how might this affect the influence of opportunities. This is because growing up as a black woman in America I have been taught different ways of maintaining my appearance and speaking with assertiveness. This has affected my ability to obtain my opportunities because I believe business owners look for someone with a soft voice that is able to appear gentle and help whenever help is needed. Compared to having a strong voice where business owners can see a possibility of being challenged.

Like for instance there was a moment where I was working at a hotel in the downtown area where my boss was very rude but enforceable of his demand this made me speak up and acknowledge that all the work he wanted me to do was finished and I asked him to not speak to me in that way and I would appreciate it if he was more respectful he later fired me stated that I wasn’t the face that he wanted to be represented by the company then he hired a very pretty white girl with a very soft voice that just apologized every time he disrespected her and she got promoted. This could just be a use of toxic masculinity and fired me based on my responses; however the comment of being “the face of the company” is what struck me as a racial concern.

In order to create equality amongst a workplace instead of perpetuating it I feel that allowing room for creative space without building the assumptions based on impression will be very helpful. Once you add in a difference of variety in viewpoints it brings personality and a place for everyone within the workforce. That’s not to say that there shouldn’t be a structured system on the objectives of the company but how we handle and go about it can definitely vary. Even just as a business owner wanting to make sure your staff has multiple people from different cultures and ethnicities will make a difference on the impact on the environment as a whole. The pay grade should be distributed amongst those that have the hardest job throughout the company with the most work should get paid the most not just because of a title that an individual is labeled under a company. Much like how in the workforce a broker will make more money than a realtor while the realtor is the individual getting the entire house that’s being sold together and the broker’s only job is to solidify the deal. While the realtor has to fix any damages to the property has to make sure it’s well put together and the construction worker makes the necessary modifications to the place.

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