For me American dream means having the financial stability to live life with no struggles. I think the American dream can be portrayed as the benefits you get from making money and what you invest with that money. I hope to be able to have money and spend it without having to put something back in the grocery store or when I go shopping for new clothes. Having enough money to buy a more expensive appliances and not having to settle for a cheaper version that will only last me a year or two. Not having to worry about how much food I order from a fast-food place because of not having enough money to buy it all either for myself and my husband or myself and my siblings.

I think the American dream is all about money and who you know can help you what to do with the money is of all importance as well. Anyone can make a decent amount of money but it’s a difference when you must use all that money to fix your car or buy a new washer and dryer instead of having that money and extra in your savings, so that you can invest this money into something that can help you make more money. I feel like there should be more resources into helping people get closer to the American dream. Even if it’s free budgeting apps or having access to investors that will use this money to help you make more. It’s about having a home and being able to own it and not renting it every month on a lease. I will work twice as hard as everyone else despite my obstacles to fulfill this American.

I will invest my money into a business or the stock market to make my money double and I will use my degree to get a good paying job, so that my kids don’t have to grow up as poor as I did. I feel like it’s not a good idea to have kids if you are not financially stable, coming from my experience as a child, growing up poor can alter your mind to thinks differently than others that already have the American dream. It’s got me to think that I don’t want kids if I remain poor just because of the causalities it can cause and the struggles that come with it mentally and physically. That’s to say the American dream does exist just not for me yet. I think it only exists for some people who have the privilege and power. It all comes down to race and ethnicity and even the neighborhood and schools you go to. It can be hard to work up from nothing

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