I am part of the working poor class. I work as a server 4 days a week and my mom no longer works. She collects monthly social security checks. My mom never went to college, and my dad went to trade school but ended up leaving the automotive field later in life. We were on and off food stamps as a kid. We get food stamps now, but according to the government we collectively make too much money and are only awarded $18  a month for groceries. Our trailer is old and broken down and needs many repairs we cannot afford.

When I meet people from higher social classes, I often feel jealous. I know many people work for the position they are in, but it just feels unfair that I have faced all the hurdles I have faced to get where I am while others don’t. I feel like I have been looked down on in the past, even as a young child by my friends parents who live in big houses with fenced in backyards. I always felt like they looked at me like I was dirty and even just having me in their house would stain their wealth.

When I see people who are from lower social classes, I feel guilty. It reminds me to be grateful for what I have, because despite my struggles there are many people who have much less than me. I feel like I should be giving back more to the people who need it. I feel like a bad person when I don’t give money to the homeless man on the corner by my house. I am sure it would mean the world to him just to have a roof over his head, food, a shower, and even a car.

Social class is complicated and I think that the higher classes put a lot of pressure on the ones  below to help those in need. The people who have excesses of money should be the ones helping those in need. I am someone who is in need, I need the help too. It puts me in this weird limbo where I find myself wondering how privileged I am.

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