I would describe and define my social class as underclass because I am unemployed right now. I believe income, family background, education, and attitudes can mark someone as a member of a particular social class. Income as low as 15,000 a year makes me a part of the underclass. My family has always had to work paycheck to paycheck so I would have never been able to pay for college on my own or with the help if my own family. I got into college with the help of Pell grants and scholarships from FAFSA. I also had to take out loans so that I could afford to commute since I do not live on campus. I believe I will be able to earn more once I complete my bachelor’s degree compared to just having my high school diploma and working at a grocery store.

When I meet someone who comes from a higher social class it makes me feel a surge of curiosity. like to think about how easy my life would be if I was in a higher social class. When people would talk about these amazing trips, they would take with their family makes me feel inferior because I don’t really have any cool trips, I took with my family to talk about. My family never had the extra money to take trips as a family. Then I realized that taking a family trip doesn’t necessarily make you rich, but it was something new to me especially going to a new state compared to going to the grocery store with your family. I feel disconnected and targeted when I meet people of a higher social class because they can pay things at ease and not having to budget or buy Starbucks every day. Some will subtly say something to make sure you know that they are in a higher position then you.

In contrast, to meeting someone who comes from a lower class makes me feel for them because I can understand how they may feel even though they will come from a lower class then me. It also makes me want to help them even if I don’t have much to give. I would see student who doesn’t own a backpack or doesn’t have the same MacBook that I do. I tend to think that their parents can’t afford better things for them and think that I am lucky enough to have a husband who wants to buy me nice things for school. I believe you can be motivated by the things around you to do better. Even if you must invest in a notebook that you like because it will benefit your performance. I like when I invest into nice things for myself because it shows that I love myself and that I deserve to have nice things to make me feel good too. Even if it’s a sweater or water bottle that I like.  

I never thought I was poor growing up because of the people around me on my block lived the same way as I did. So, I never once heard my mom tell me that our family is poor until just recently actually. She told me, “I’m sorry we’re poor”, but I feel like she meant it as a joke. So, I said back, “don’t say that we’re not poor.” I never noticed that she has never made me feel like I was poor growing up, instead she would say stuff like “we don’t have enough money,” but that never translated into my brain as “we’re poor.” I thought not having enough was normal at the time.  

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