The eCHT research community is sponsored by a Research Training Grant (RTG) from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The senior personnel associated with the grant are
- Dan Isaksen (PI), Wayne State University.
- Bert Guillou (co-PI), University of Kentucky.
- JD Quigley (co-PI), MPIM Bonn/University of Oregon.
- Vesna Stojanoska (co-PI), UIUC.
- Agnès Beaudry, University of Colorado.
- Mark Behrens, University of Notre Dame.
- Irina Bobkova, Texas A&M University.
- Teena Gerhardt, Michigan State University.
- Mike Hill, UCLA.
- Kyle Ormsby, Reed College.
- Doug Ravenel, University of Rochester.
- Zhouli Xu, UC San Diego.
The funded participants in the project are
- Christy Hazel, postdoctoral researcher, UCLA (2022-2023).
- Sarah Petersen, postdoctoral researcher, University of Colorado (2022-2025).
- Jack Carlisle, postdoctoral researcher, University of Notre Dame (2023-2025).
- David Mehrle, postdoctoral researcher, University of Kentucky (2023-2025).
- Hari Rau-Murthy, graduate student, University of Notre Dame (2022-2023).
- Scotty Tilton, graduate student, UC San Diego (2022-current).
- Danika Van Niel, graduate student, Michigan State University (2023-current).
- Millie Rose, graduate student, University of Kentucky (2023-current).
- Hassan Abdallah, graduate student, Wayne State University (2023-current).
The eCHT research community relies on Guchuan Li and Hana Jia Kong for additional organizational help.