Main Discipline(s):
Main Professional Societies:
- Urban Planning
- Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
- American Planning Association
- Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Wayne State University
I don’t have a single favorite as I am attracted to diverse topics and methods related to science and technology even if they may not immediately be relevant to planning. I generally find eco-feminist approaches compelling in thinking about science, environment, and society. The work of authors like Sandra Harding, Vandana Shiva, Maria Mies, and others was formative to my education on these relationships. The history of science and technology is also one of oppression, exploitation, and violence against nature, women, and subaltern groups. Think about the thousands of birds that John James Audubon killed in his quest to document as many as possible (before inspiring an organization dedicated to bird conservation); think also of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments.