Dr. Suzan Arslanturk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science.

Main Discipline(s):

Main Professional Societies:


  • Machine Learning
  • Bioinformatics
  • Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University
What are your undergraduate and graduate degrees in and from where?
  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey
  • M.Sc. in Computer Science Oakland University, MI
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Informatics Oakland University, MI
Give a brief summary (250 words or less) of your current area of research.

Due to limited availability of molecular data and the infrequency of lethal prostate cancer, scientists have not been successful in discovering clinically useful molecular biomarkers of prostate cancer that can accurately detect lethal prostate cancer and predict the outcomes of its treatments. Oncologists have discovered remarkable biological similarities between breast, ovarian and prostate cancers, which suggests biomarker commonality across these cancers. This discovery presents unique opportunities in synthesizing knowledge from other cancers with prostate cancer. Computer scientists’ progress in harnessing information and transfer of knowledge across different fields makes it possible to discover prostate cancer biomarkers.

My current research area is to discover clinically useful prostate cancer biomarkers by synthesizing knowledge from breast and ovarian cancers and reposition existing drugs using biological mechanisms impacted by these biomarkers.

How did you arrive at your current area of research?
I am motivated with tackling challenging theoretical and applied research problems that enable developing innovative machine learning and clinical solutions to enhance individual and population health outcomes, improve patient care, and optimize the operational performance of healthcare delivery systems.
What do you see as a current emerging area of research that you would like to participate in and why?

Clinically relevant biomarkers discovery of multiple cancers as it will help clinicians better differentiate between treatment options for those with lethal and less harmful cancers, guide their clinical decision making and treatment planning specific to patient’s characteristics. Benefits will be realized through avoidance of over-treating certain indolent cancers and more aggressive and timely start of treatment for aggressive and lethal cancers.

Tell us your (one) favorite STEM research paper or book.   Why it is your favorite?
Do you have a favorite scientist, engineer or other role model? Who is it and why?
I do not have one favorite. I have been very fortunate to have several mentors and friends in my personal and professional life that have inspired me.
What do you do for fun outside of your role as a woman in STEM?