Family Advocacy Network (FANs)

Faculty are invited to meet with WSU GEARS FAN Faculty Family Advisors to discuss family leave, caregiver support, tenure clock extensions and other aspects of managing work/family/life circumstances. FANs advisors are trained to serve specific colleges on campus as outlined here. WSU GEARS generally adopts a broad definition of family as “a socially recognized group (usually joined by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption) that forms an emotional connection among its members.”

Serving the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts, School of Business, College of Education, School of Information Sciences, Law School, School of Social Work:

  • Karen Beningo, Ph.D.,
  • Aaron Retish, Ph.D.,
  • Dan Isaksen, Ph.D.,

Serving School of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences:

  • Dragana Komnenov, Ph.D.,

WSU GEARS is funded by the National Science Foundation to transform the campus climate at Wayne State University and reduce inequities for underrepresented women faculty members in STEM disciplines. The WSU GEARS Family Advocacy Network (FANs) supports faculty in navigating the complexities of work/family/life circumstances.

FANs Coordinating Team

Contact for questions or feedback.



View previous versions of the Family Advocacy Network documents.