External Networks

500 Women Scientists

The mission of 500 Women Scientists is to serve society by making science open, inclusive, and accessible and transform society by fighting racism, patriarchy, and oppressive societal norms.

American Council on Education (ACE) Women’s Network

The ACE Women’s Network is a national system of networks within each state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia with the goal of advancing and supporting women in higher education. Each state network is led by a state chair who works with institutional representatives and at least one presidential sponsor to develop programs that identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support (IDEALS) women in higher education careers within that state.

Michigan American Council on Education Women’s Network (MI-ACE)

The Michigan American Council on Education Women’s Network (MI-ACE) is the professional network for Michigan women in higher education. We work in concert with the ACE Office of Inclusive Excellence Group nationally to identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support (IDEALS) women in higher education.

The ARC Network

The ARC Network strives to advance STEM equity in academia by convening diverse audiences to collaborate, share, and implement the best practices and tools shown to effect change.

Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

AWIS is a global network that inspires bold leadership, research, and solutions that advance women in STEM, spark innovation, promote organizational success, and drive systemic change.

Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN)

WEPAN is the leading champion in North America for leveraging research and best practices to propel the inclusion of women in the field of engineering. WEPAN’s network connects advocates who actively pursue strategies and implement solutions to increase participation, retention and success of women and other under-represented groups in engineering from college to executive leadership.