Renowned, More whose bloody Fate – Scholarly Edition


Renowned, More1Thomas More (1478-1535), the great-great grandfather of Gertrude More and a well-known author, politician, and saint executed under Henry VIII. whose bloody Fate
England neer yet could expiate,
Such was thy constant Faith, so much
Thy Hope, thy Charity was such;
As made thee twise a Martyr proue;2Marginal note: Sir Thom. More.
Of Faith in Death, in Life of Love!
View heer thy Grandchilds broken Hart
Wounded with a Seraphick Dart.
Who while she liu’d mortals among
Thus to her Spouse Divine she sung.
Mirrour3The italics from this line onward may indicate that the remainder of the poem was written by Gertrude More herself. of Beauty in Whose Face    
The essence liues of euery Grace!
True lustre dwels in thy sole spheare
Those glimmerings that sometimes appeare
In this dark vayl, this gloomy night
Are shadows tipt with glow worm light,
Shew me thy radiant parts aboue,
VVhere Angels unconsumed moue
VVhere amourous fire maintaines their lives
As man by breathing Air, suruiues.
But if perchance the mortal eye,
That views thy dazling looks must dye
VVith blind faith here ile kis them & desire
To feele the heat, before I see the fire.





Source: 1658, reverse of title page