Compare Modernized Edition Click on the folio numbers on the left to see an image of the manuscript. ...
All things, desires, and loues are vaine – Scholarly Edition
All things, desires, and loues are vaine, But only that which tendsTo God alone our...
My God to thee I dedicate – Scholarly Edition
My God to thee I dedicate This simple work of mine,And also with it hart and soul; To be for ever thine.No other...
O thou thy self dost say to vs – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition Click on the page numbers on the left to see an image of the manuscript. O thou thy...
And that my wicked heart did proue – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition And that my wicked heart did proue who after sinnes so manie,hath founde such fauour in thy eyes without...
O I desire no tongue or penne – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition O I desire no tongue nor penne but to extoll his praise;In which excesse I’le melt awaie ten Thousand...
O lette me as the siluer streams – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition O lette me as the siluer streames into the Ocean glide:Be melt into that Sea of loue which into thee...
And in whats’ere that worde is writte – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition And in whats’ere that worde is writte, it yealds a siluer sounde;But if that worde I misse in it, me...
And shall my soul by senseless loue – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition And shall my soule by senseless loue which yet is neuer trueBestow more loue where it is lost, then where’t...
No Stagge in chase so thirstie is – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition No Stagge in chase so thirstie is or greedie of sweet spring, As is my soule of thee, My God, while...