Compare Modernized Edition I fledde from thee by manie sinnes And thow didst follow me,As if my ruin would have caus’d some detriment...
For since I am not where I loue – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition For since I am not where I loue how can I confort findeBut onlie in the Song of Loue by...
For if they do retorne to thee – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition For if they do retorne to thee thy heart thou willt not close,As wittnes can my wretched soule which was...
My soul where is thy Loue and Lorde – Scholarly Edition
Modernized Edition My soule where is thy Loue and Lorde seeing him thow canst not finde?O cheere vp heart, be conforted for he...
Of Suffering and Bearing the Crosse – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition Click on the folio numbers on the left to see an image of the manuscript. ...
O can that soul that loues her God – Scholarly Edition
O can that soule that loues her God For very shame complaineTo any other then himselfe Of what she...
And in this waie do not think much – Scholarly Edition
Compare Scholarly Edition And in this waie do not thinke much, that thow must much endure;No, though it be from holie men,...
My heart shall only this desire – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition My heart shall onlie this desire that thow my Lorde disposeEven as thow pleasest in all things till thes...
Renowned, More whose bloody Fate – Scholarly Edition
Renowned, More whose bloody FateEngland neer yet could expiate,Such was thy constant Faith, so muchThy Hope, thy Charity was such;As made thee twise...
To our Blessed Laidy the Aduocate of Sinners – Scholarly Edition
Compare Modernized Edition Click on the folio numbers on the left to see an image of the manuscript. All haile o virgin...