Dan Kashian

Dan began at Wayne State in August 2006.  His background is in forest ecology, with an interest in the impacts of disturbances on forested landscapes.  His research and teaching has taken him to Colorado, Wyoming, Minnesota, and Michigan.  For now his favorite ecosystems are dominated by either ash, aspen, or jack pine.


MS Students

Hilary Emenheiser

Hilary earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Michigan in 2010 before working in regulatory and compliance affairs for eight years.  She joined our lab in August 2019.  She comes to us with an interest in plant biology and ecology.





Jed Jacobson

Jed came to us from the University of South Dakota, where he did undergraduate research on cottonwood dendrochronology. He also serves as a wildland firefighter for the US Forest Service in Arizona and across the West.  He joined our lab in August 2019.



Research Tech

Doug Putt