With the generous support of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) and the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (CCKF), CHCI-CCKF 2019 Summer Institute The Space in Two Cities is to be held on the campus of Wayne State University this summer, June 22nd – July 6th. Professors Haiyong Liu and Yunshuang Zhang of CMLLC, and Prof. Min Yu of COE will be the main organizers.
Here is the summer institute’s official website:
The institute will address how post-industrial cities like Detroit and Shenyang, once manufacturing powerhouses, use or reuse their space. With these two case studies, the ultimate mission is to generate insightful understanding of the relation between people and their spaces from different corners of the globe. The institute will situate these two urban tales within their national landscapes, tackling the fate of human space.
The two-week institute features 15 talks by world-renowned scholars of various disciplines from the humanities, social science, to natural science. It will promote the diversity and interdisciplinary nature of the field of Chinese studies. Moreover, it will emphasize the contributions of Chinese studies to the global humanities.
The institute is open to the public, which also includes online forums for residents of Detroit and Shenyang (7-9PM June 28th and July 2nd) and a tour of Detroit’s former Chinatown (3-6PM June 29th). If you are interested in representing Detroit during the video conferences on June 28th and July 2nd), please let the organizers know.
Students minoring or majoring in Asian Studies can register for CHI 3990 to earn two elective credits by participating the institute events.
We look forward to welcoming participants from fellow institutions and interested individuals from all walks of life.
The following Wayne State units have also made generous support for the institute:
International Programs of the Office of the Provost
The Dean’s Office of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The Dean’s Office of the College of Education
The Dean’s Office of the School of Social Work
The Humanities Center
The Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
The Program of Global Studies
The Foreign Language Technology Center
Division of Teacher Education
Division of Kinesiology, Health & Sport Studies
Special Events and Services and University Commencement Office
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Haiyong Liu: an1884@wayne.edu, Prof. Yunshuang Zhang: gt3284@wayne.edu, or Prof. Min Yu: minyu@wayne.edu.