The goal of the course is to provide an introduction to K-theory. Students are expected to already have a solid foundation in algebraic topology, roughly equivalent to Chapters 2-4 of Hatcher’s Algebraic Topology text.
The primary texts are
- A geometric introduction to K-theory by Dan Dugger.
- Vector bundles and K-theory by Allen Hatcher.
A draft syllabus is available but subject to change.
Participant expectations
Each student is expected to participate fully in the course, just as if it were an in-person course at the student’s home institution. Attendance at all live meetings is required, and active participation will sometimes be expected. Students are expected to spend additional time each week engaged with the course material on their own.
Each student is required to give one of the weekly presentations. Students are also required to participate in weekly group work.
As a general rule, students are expected to obtain 2-3 independent study credits from their home universities for their participation in the course. This requirement is waived on an individual basis for students whose home universities do not have formal independent study opportunities.
At the end of the course, a letter grade A/B/C/F will be reported to each student’s home institution adviser.
Students are expected to have a solid background in algebraic topology, including homology, cohomology, and homotopy theory, roughly equivalent to Chapters 2-4 of Hatcher’s Algebraic Topology text.
Christy Hazel is the lead instructor. A graduate teaching assistant is to be determined.
Please submit the application form to apply. Applications received by December 7 will receive full consideration. Unfortunately, space is limited, and we may not be able to accept all qualified applicants. We will respond to applicants by December 16.
The course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00-12:50pm eastern time, starting January 17 and ending on April 25. The week of March 7 will be a break.