Fall 2024 Survey
The SIEDS team is conducting a survey in the fall semester of 2024, running from Oct. 15 through Nov. 11, and would appreciate your participation to help advance their important work. Review the frequently asked questions below to learn more about the survey, who received it and how the data will be used.
How long will the survey remain open?
The survey opens on Tuesday, Oct. 15 and closes on Monday, Nov. 11. Please look for an external email from Dr. Yu Li at the Miami University of Ohio (liy@miamioh.edu).
Why am I receiving this survey request?
You are receiving this survey request because you are a full-time faculty member in a tenure-track/tenured, teaching, clinical or research position at Wayne State University.
What disciplines are included?
All disciplines are included. This means STEM and non-STEM at all schools/colleges at WSU.
Why did I not receive an invitation to respond to this survey?
At WSU, you will not receive an invitation if you are part-time faculty.
At WSU, you will not receive an invitation if you are part-time faculty.
How will the data be used?
The information you provide will be used to assess the departmental climate at WSU, and is part of a larger project focused on institutional change. The Discovery Center will use the data to conduct its external evaluation of the SIEDS project and report its findings to NSF. The SIEDS team will use the data to better understand working cultures at WSU, and to inform SIEDS activities. They also intend to publish scholarly articles that will contribute to broader knowledge about intersectional gender equity in higher education.
Where can I find more information about SIEDS?
You can read details about the NSF award for WSU on NSF’s website. You may also address questions to the lead Co-PI at WSU, Dr. Krista Brumley, kbrumley@wayne.edu.
You can read details about the NSF award for WSU on NSF’s website. You may also address questions to the lead Co-PI at WSU, Dr. Krista Brumley, kbrumley@wayne.edu.
Will my department chairperson or other university leader know if I responded, or know how I answered?
Your department chair will not know whether you did or did not respond to the survey. The Discovery Center alone can see who has responded and will remove all identifiers, including your name and email address before sharing the data with the team at WSU.
Your department chair will not know whether you did or did not respond to the survey. The Discovery Center alone can see who has responded and will remove all identifiers, including your name and email address before sharing the data with the team at WSU.
In addition, Discovery Center will remove all demographic information that is likely to apply to a very small number of participants (i.e. less than 5 individuals) before sharing. Thus, college deans will see the survey results, but the results they see will be reported at the aggregate level. If there are not enough responses to adequately deidentify data, some deans may receive a limited report on their unit.
The survey was sent from the Discovery Center; who are they?
This survey is being conducted by an external evaluator, the Discovery Center at Miami University. They are evaluating multiple aspects of the SIEDS project, including changes over time associated with SIEDS activities.
This survey is being conducted by an external evaluator, the Discovery Center at Miami University. They are evaluating multiple aspects of the SIEDS project, including changes over time associated with SIEDS activities.