Congratulations Lauren Radigan (October 13) & Jeremy Grant (December 17), for their successful (crushed them) dissertation defenses.

Lauren’s dissertation: “Memory for Emotional Expressions in Adults with Acquired Brain Injury” and her committee: Lisa Rapport (Chair), Mark Lumley, Robin Hanks (WSU School of Medicine), and Scott Langenecker (University of Utah, Psychiatry).

  • Lauren will be presenting a portion of her results at the upcoming conference of the International Neuropsychological Society: “Relationship Between Self-Reported Affect and Emotion Perception Following Acquired Brain Injury” (Poster Session 10, Friday 2/4, 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm).

Jeremy’s dissertation: “Predictors of Cognitive Reserve in Multiple Sclerosis” and his committee: Lisa Rapport (Chair), Mark Lumley, Eva Bernitsas (WSU, Neurology), Brigid Waldron-Perrine (University of Michigan), and Keith Whitfield (former WSU Provost, now UNLV President).

  • Jeremy will be presenting a portion of his results at the upcoming conference of the International Neuropsychological Society, as a Paper Presentation in a symposium: “Cognitive Enrichment Moderates the Relationship Between Cognitive Dysfunction and Education Quality in Multiple Sclerosis” (Paper Session 15, Movement, Friday 2/4, 3:30-4:55 pm. The INS talks will also be available as recordings online.


Congratulations to NeurAL alumnus Dr. Michael Williams: Garners big federal grant

Congratulations to NeurAL alumnus Dr. Michael Williams, who was awarded a federal grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). The title of this 3-year grant is “Impact of Chronic Pain on Outcomes Following Traumatic Brain Injury.” The research will examine the extent to which chronic pain influences outcomes (i.e., functional independence, societal participation, and life satisfaction) following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In addition, the study will gather consumer perspective on pain treatment and interest in non-pharmacological interventions to inform development of novel interventions for adults with comorbid chronic pain and TBI.

He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Houston.

He completed his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2016. While at WSU, he was a trainee in the Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity (IMSD) and won a Ford Foundation fellowship. He completed his internship in Behavioral Medicine and Neuropsychology at the University of Washington School of Medicine (Seattle); postdoctoral fellowship in the Adult Rehabilitation and Clinical Neuropsychology program at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Congratulations to NeurAL PVT research team members Robert Kanser, Sarah Patrick, Robin Hanks, and Lisa Rapport.

New articles accepted:

Kanser, R. J., Rapport, L. J., Hanks, R. A., & Patrick, S. D. (2021). Time and money: Exploring enhancements to performance validity research designs. Applied Neuropsychology-Adult, 1-8. doi:10.1080/23279095.2021.2019740. Free download of the article at Taylor & Francis Publishing.

Kanser, R.J., Rapport, L.J., Hanks, R.A., & Patrick, S.D. (2021). Utility of WAIS-IV Digit Span indices as measures of performance validity in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. The Clinical neuropsychologist, 1–14. Advance online publication.  Free download of the article at Taylor & Francis Publishing.

Opening Blog

Welcome to our blog at Wayne State Warrior Sites.
We’re very proud of NeurAL members Lauren Radigan and Jeremy Grant, who matched for internship at the VA Boston Healthcare System and the University of Florida Health Science Center, respectively.
Related (i.e., speaking of pride in accomplishments), check out the Recent Work page to view posters presented by the lab at the February meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society.