Announcing our preprint on interdisciplinary program design and implementation

We are proud to announce the preprint of our latest paper, Designing and implementing a novel graduate program to develop transdisciplinary leaders in urban sustainability, available to read and comment for free on Preprint:

The coauthors include Dr. Megan Wallen (T-RUST Program Manager, WSU), Dr. Ingrid Guerra-Lopez (Professor of Learning Design and Technology, WSU), Louay Meroueh (Program Consultant, WSU), Dr. Rayman Mohamed (Chair and Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, WSU), Dr. Andrea Sankar (Chair and Professor of Anthropology, WSU), Dr. Pradeep Sopory (Associate Professor of Communication, WSU), Dr. Ryan Watkins (Professor of Educational Leadership, George Washington University), & Dr. Donna Kashian (Professor of Biological Sciences, WSU).

Check it out and let us know what you think!