The Cabin Boy.

Printed and Sold by R. Walker, near the Duke’s Palace, Norwich.

Poll Pennant’s father was a tar,
Her uncle smuggled tea,
And her relations near and far,
Had bus’ness with the sea.
She married Jack, pride of the crew,
One to her bosom dear;
And ‘monastery these sailors quickly knew
To hand and reef and steer.
That Jack was off, the ship unmoor’d,
She heard with silent joy,
And cunningly repair’d on board,
Dress’d like a cabin boy.
Whene’er to danger he would rush,
Jack still a helpmate found:
And were he hurt in any brush,
She kindly dress’d his wound.
The cruise was out; from her disguise
Poll now with pleasure burst!
Then took her passage in a prize,
And to their home come first.
Jack chas’d her soon, in eager gaze,
Unladed all his joy,
And presently sung out the praise,
Of the kind cabin boy.
He he had watch’s him, how his care,
Had nicely dress’d his prog;
How sung him some delightful air,
As they tilt off their grog:—
‘Twas I,’ cry’d Poll, ‘that messmate, who
‘In all your toil took part;”—
‘You my sweet Poll!’ Jack cy’d out, ‘you!
‘Come to my faithful heart!”

BBO Roud Number: V29814