Protestant Souldier, and His Love

Protestant Souldier, and His Love;
The Damsels Resolution at length to take up
Arms against the Irish Rebels for the true
Enjoyment of her Dear.

Love I come to take my leave,
Yet I would not have thee grieve;
Tho’ we must divided be,
I will be Loyal, Love, to thee.

A most Noble Armed Band,
Will away to Ireland,
Where the French and Teagues shall know,
That we have strength to lay them low.

Then this fair and vertuous Maid,
To her loving Soldier said,
It will surely break my heart,
If that my Dear and I must part.

Prithee stay at home with me,
Where you will in safety be;
Go not to the Irish Shore,
For fear I never see thee more.

I am Listed, Love, he cry’d,
Therefore now what e’re betide,
I will with the Army go,
To prove the Rebels overthrow.

Thirty thousand Men, my dear,
Will in shining Arms appear,
Who with speed will march away,
I hope to fare as well as they.

Love, I’ll to your Collonel go,
He may so much pitty show,
As to discharge you for my sake,
When as he hears the moan I make.

Twenty pounds I have in store,
Nay, and had I ten times more,
Every Groat I’de freely give,
So thou at home with me might live.

Love, thy Tears are all in vain,
I at home will not remain,
But will to the Wars with speed,
And fight while I have drop to bleed.

Can I hear great Ireland,
On the brink of Ruin stand,
Protestants for succour call
And yet be not concern’d at all.

No, we’ll make the Romans yield,
Our sharp Swords shall Reap the Field,
Since our Cause is just and right,
My dear, I’ll never fear to Fight.

If my Tears will not prevail,
But to Ireland you’ll Sail,
Let me so much favour find,
Not left to languish here behind.

Whensoe’re you march away,
In this Land I will not stay,
But thy true Comrade will be,
And freely live or dye with thee.

My sweet Iewel say not so,
If along with me you go,
In that Land you’ll hardship find,
And likewise strangers most unkind.

Love, I prize thy presence so,
That I am resolv’d to go,
Being still with thee my dear,
There’s nothing in the world I fear.

These two Lovers straight agreed,
And she Listed was with speed,
Not a Person knowing there,
That she was then a Damsel fair.

With her love in Field she’ll fight,
In rich shining Armour bright,
Being for the Wars design’d,
And with a most Couragious mind.


EBBA ID Number: 20978

ESTC Citation Number: R187344