Soldier’s Delight

The Soldier’s Delight, or the She Voluntier Being a True and Faithful Narative of a certain YoungLover, who Courting a scornful Mistress, went discontentedinto the Army; and she, repenting of her unkindness, to recompense the Soldier’s affection, disguised her sex and Listed her self Voluntier. A young man lately lov’d a Lass, of beauy so…

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Faithless Captain

The Faithless Captain, or Betrayed Virgin The Faithless Captain, or Betrayed Virgin. All ye maidens fair I pray awhile draw near, I a tragical story have to tell, It will make your heart bleed, when further I proceed, As for the truth it has befel, In London city liv’d a maiden there, Blest with a…

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