Project Manager, Warrior Women Project at Wayne State University. Writing teacher, essayist, PhD student. Interests: 18th-century novel and nonfiction, public humanities, writing by/about women, history of the self.
Portfolio: kellyplante.com.
Blogs at humanabstracts.com.
Twitter: @kelly__plante
Latest Posts
- Constant Female
- London Merchant
- Rose the Red and White Lily
- Love and Glory
- Song of Marion’s Men
- George’s Quay
- My Willy Was a Sailor Bold
- Happy Couple
- Cabin Boy
- Captain of Love
- Sailor on the Sea
- Faithless Captain
- Poor Peggy
- Mary’s Fate
- William Taylor
- Canada-I-O
- Dublin Tragedy
- Wounded Nancy’s Return
- Susan’s Adventures in a British Man-of-War
- Frolicsom Maid, Who Went to Gibralter
- Female Warrior
- Mary Ambree
- Lancashire Heros