Brigham Young University hosted The 34th Automorphic Forms Workshop this year. It was online this year after a two-year hiatus.
The 34th Automorphic Forms Workshop
Along with five other students, I won the 2022 AFW Outstanding Graduate Student Talk. Congratulations to the other five students as well. Giving a talk in 20 minutes for their complex research topics wasn’t easy either. To the organizers of the AFW, thank you for award! The 34th AFW was the first conference in which I presented my research. At the 33rd AFW (in 2019), I met Dr. Shaul Zemel who worked on a problem very much related to mine. Discussions with him and my advisor led to my dissertation topic. I cite Dr. Zemel’s work in my dissertation. So it means a great deal to win the award from the AFW.