I graduated on August 19, 2022 with a PhD in Mathematics.   In my past life (life before the PhD studies), I was an electrical engineer with an MSEE from Purdue. I took the scenic route to the Mathematics PhD program. My advisers were  Prof. Luca Candelori and Prof. Andrew Salch.  My dissertation involved determining for which commutative rings integral representations of SL_2(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}) exist and their computation. For the (p+1)/2-dim Weil representations of $SL_2(F_p)$,  I showed that a basis developed by  Yilong Wang (as well as Patrick Gilmer et all) achieves the minimal integral model for all primes $lagex p$.  That is, find the smallest such commutative rings. For the principal series Weil characters of dimension (p+1)/2), I found the minimal ring of definition for SL_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}).  My dissertation is available to download.

Although I am back to working in engineering, I am still doing math.  You can say I’m funding my own research!