22nd International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology

July 13-18, 2025

We’re pleased to announce that the 22nd ISCCB will be held in Detroit, Michigan, on the campus of Wayne State University!

Most ISCCB activities, including oral presentations and poster sessions, will take place in the McGregor Memorial Conference Center – a dedicated conference space in the heart of campus. See a preliminary list of session topics and speakers. On-campus accommodations are currently being arranged at the University Towers Apartments.

Registration and housing 🎟️ | Submit an abstract 📄

Early bird registration deadline is Apr. 15, 2025.

Please contact Arun Anantharam (arun.anantharam@utoledo.edu) or other organizers with potential session ideas or with questions about any aspect of the ISCCB (accomodations, getting to Wayne State University, etc.). We look forward to welcoming you to Detroit in 2025!


About the ISCCB

The International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology (ISCCB) is a conference series hosted by a group from around the world. These scientists have met every two years since the first symposium was held in 1982 on the island of Ibiza in Spain. There, about 100 researchers from around the world met for one week to discuss neurochemical, neurophysiological, neuropharmacological and clinical aspects of the biology of adrenal chromaffin cells.

The meeting was such an outstanding success that the Advisory Board decided that it should be held biennially in different countries. The total attendance of ISCCBs has typically ranged between 120 and 180 scientists from Europe, Asia, North and South America, Japan, China and Australia. On average, more than 60% of the participants are young scientists; invited speakers thus include early career researchers as well as established researchers.

Specific sessions highlight the pioneering use of the latest technological advances by young scientists and provide them with a unique platform to present their work to established researchers. In so doing, the goal is to foster new collaborations and inspire the next generation of scientists. Adrenal chromaffin cells are perhaps best known for their role in the fight-or-flight response and stress signaling. However, they have also been employed for many years to study general principles of cellular function from ion channels, receptors, cellular signaling and cytoskeleton to membrane fusion and neurotransmitter release. Adrenal chromaffin cells have enabled the most advanced techniques to study the function of neuronal cells, including caged calcium stimulation combined with patch-clamp capacitance measurements or amperometric electrode arrays combined with total internal reflection microscopy.

In this conference series, the topics include not only studies on chromaffin cells but also related research including exo/endocytosis, synaptic transmission, vesicle fusion machinery and mechanisms, vesicular contents, ion channels, innovative techniques, etc. in other cell types from neurons to the immune system as well as in vitro and computational studies. Exciting new discoveries on molecular interactions and cellular function on the nanoscale are presented where students are introduced to the most recent advances in innovative technologies, biochemistry of signaling pathways and protein interactions in cellular function!

Previous meetings

  • 2022: Hamburg, Germany
  • 2020: Chennai, India
  • 2017: Sheffield, UK
  • 2015: Cairns, Australia
  • 2013: Rouen, France
  • 2011: Beijing, China
  • 2009: Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
  • 2007: Sestri Levante, Italy
  • 2006: Pucón, Chile
  • 2003: La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain
  • 2001: San Diego, California, US
  • 1999: Bergen, Norway
  • 1997: Sapporo, Japan
  • 1995: Edinburgh, Scotland
  • 1993: Montebello, Ontario, Canada
  • 1991: Marburg, Germany
  • 1989: Jerusalem, Israel
  • 1987: Alice Springs, Australia
  • 1986: Coolfont, West Virginia, USA
  • 1984: Colmar, France
  • 1982: Ibiza, Spain