December 2024
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from our lab! We are so grateful for our incredible team and all the milestones we achieved together this year! Here’s to an exciting new year ahead!
- We made it! Our final Preprint for 2024 is now online. Congrats on the final push, and great job to Sydney and Lisa. Integrative multiomics analysis of metabolic dysregulation induced by occupational benzene exposure in mice.
- Our new collaborative work with Michael Stout’s lab reveals that Canagliflozin administration may delay ovarian aging and reduce the pathological hallmarks associated with reproductive senescence. Congrats to Hashan for a new paper! Check it out here.
- Check out our interview for the December 2024 episode of DiabetesBio—the American Diabetes Association’s podcast for its flagship research publication, Diabetes.
November 2024
- Check out our new collaborative paper in GeroScience with Shoshana Yakar (NYU)! Exploring how inactivating the GH/IGF axis during aging impacts healthspan. Congrats to Dulmalika for her first publication! Check it out!
October 2024
- Our graduate students Divine Pungi, Sydney Scofield, and Lisa Koshko presented their data in the MSOT Chapter in Ann Arbor. Congratulations to Sydney for being among three winners taking 1st place in the poster competition.
- We welcome two new rotation students to the lab, Noah Doyle and Jonathon McSwain
September 2024
- We are excited to see our paper finally out today in @Diabetes_ADA! We explore how #microglia drive metabolic dysfunction triggered by common air #pollutants via the #NFκB pathway. A final paper by @Lucas Debarba, a former postdoc in our lab, and a massive effort from @Hashan Jayarathne and Luke Stilgenbauer to bring this paper to a finish line! Congrats to all!!
Microglia Mediate Metabolic Dysfunction from Common Air Pollutants through NF-κB Signaling
Our annual lab picnic with the entire team! Here’s to many more successes and moments of celebration together!
- We are excited to introduce Dr. Stilgenbaur!
Congratulations to Luke for successfully defending his dissertation! We’re so proud of his accomplishments and excited for the bright future ahead!
August 2024
- Dr. Sadagurski is presenting our research at the first GroPro meeting (Gordon Conference” on Prolactin, and “FASEB SRC” on the GH/PRL Family in Health and Disease) in Stirling, Scotland
June 2024
- Presenting our research on Canagliflozin and hypothalamic control of metabolism at the American Diabetes Association meeting in Orlando #ADA2024
May 2024
- Our latest study in @GeroScience reveals how the hypothalamus adapts with age and the sex-specific impacts of Canagliflozin (Cana) on metabolic control. 📊🧠
Discover how Cana drives sex-specific neuroprotection and metabolic control with age.
#Aging #Metabolism #Diabetes #Hypothalamus #SGLT2i #Neuroprotection
April 2024
NIH Grant Award to Support our new line of research in collaboration with Heidi Lempradl (Van Andel Institute)
“Molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic reprogramming by paternal benzene exposure”
March 2024
Dr. Sadagurski is a recipient of WSU Career Development Chairs Award!
New paper alert!
We are proud to present our new PrePrint on the effect of the anti-aging (diabetes) drug Canagliflozin on the hypothalamic metabolic remodeling during aging.
- Check out our poster presentations at the Annual SOT Meeting in Salt Lake City! Way to go Sydney and Lisa!
February 2024
- Sydney Scofield presented her work at the Wayne State University Graduate Research Symposium. Chronic environmental VOC exposure predisposes to metabolic disease.
January 2024
- We are excited to start this new year with the new paper acceptance!
Our collaborative project with Pavel Nagorny lab at UMich is now accepted at ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. Congrats to Lucas Debarba, and Luke Stilgenbauer!
“Selective (α)-L-Rhamnosylation and Neuroprotective Activity Exploration of Cardiotonic Steroids” by Rutkoski; Debarba; Stilgenbauer; Rosenthal; Sadagurski and Nagorny
December 2023
- Our lab Holiday Celebration and White Elephant Party! Happy New Year! We are so excited to welcome 2024!
- Sydney Scofield and Lisa Koshko presented their data at the NIEHS SRP 2023 Annual Meeting meeting, in New Mexico
November 2023
- Check out our newly submitted Preprint!!! Our study establishes, for the first time, microglial IKK/NF-κB signaling as a key mediator of the adverse #metabolic effects triggered by volatile organic compound (VOC) exposure.
October 2023
- We welcome a new rotation student to our lab, Dulmalika Manchanayake, a Ph.D. student in Biological Sciences!
- Congrats to Sydney Scofield for winning the Best Porter award at the Biological Sciences Annual Retreat
- Sydney Scofield won second place for the Best Oral Presentation at the Michigan SOT meeting 2023
- Check out our new Editorial on Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease (Front. Endocrinol., 06 October 2023 Sec. Experimental Endocrinology)
September 2023
- We welcome a new student to our lab, Divine Pungi, a Ph.D. student in Pharmaceutical Sciences!
- Lisa Koshko and Sydney Scofield presented their work at Van Andel Symposium 2023.
- Please join Dr. Sadagurski at the Environmental Research Seminar at the University of Michigan
August 2023
- News about our new grant on the WSU CLAS website
NIH Grant Award to Support Aging Brain Research
We’re thrilled to announce that our lab has successfully secured a new R01 grant RF1AG078170 “Canagliflozin as a neuroprotective agent to improve neuroinflammation and cognitive function during aging” from the NIA! This achievement marks an exciting milestone in our research journey.
This project will focus on the impact of #SGLT2i #Canagliflozin on aging brain and microglia phenotypes with aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
Get ready to gather and have a blast at our fabulous annual end-of-summer picnic bash! Let’s celebrate the incredible moments this year already brought us and our achievements!!
- Check out the interview with Hashan Jayarathne in the WSU Graduate School magazine
July 2023
- BIG NEWS FOR OUR LAB! Our paper in Chemosphere 2023 was selected as the Superfund Research Program (SRP) Research Brief for August! Check out this great team!
- Our paper in Chemosphere 2023 was selected to be featured as an Extramural Paper of the Month in the August edition of the NIEHS Environmental Factor Newsletter!
June 2023
- Great pitch talks and poster presentations at the AGE 2023 meeting in Oklahoma by Hashan Jayarathne and Luke Stilgenbauer
- Hashan Jayrathne is awarded the best poster award by the AGE 2023!! Congrats Hashan!
- Dr. Sadagurski is presenting our data at the plenary session on the effect of VOC exposure on hypothalamic development and later-life metabolic disease at the ENDO 2023 meeting in Chicago.
May 2023
- Our lab takes a trip to @Linkedin Detroit headquarters to learn all about networking and job hunting! @CLEAR_Superfund @WSU!!
- Sadly we say goodbye to our undergraduate student for the last two years, Artur Kuchumov and we wish him good luck at his new adventures in the Boston area!
- Awesome day at the Michigan Diabetes @CDI-MOD 2023 Symposium to present our data. 4 posters for Sadagurski lab @HashanJayarathne @LisaKoshko @SydneyScofield @AnaLuizaTerraDosSantos
- Join Dr. Sadagurski’s seminar in person or via Zoom at Dept of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi
- 4th Midwest Aging Symposium presentations by Hashan Jayarathne and Luke Stilgenbauer!
April 2023
- Dr. Sadagurski presented a seminar at the Department of Molecular Pathobiology, NYU
- Luke Stilgenbauer was selected for Oral presentation at the 4th Midwest Aging Symposium hosted by Iowa State University. Hashan Jayarathne was selected for the Travel Award! Congrats to both!
- Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney for their paper, accepted for publication in Chemosphere
March 2023
- Congrats to Hashan Jayarathne for a new Commentary that is just out in Aging: “Repurposing Canagliflozin to target brain aging”, describing his work on Canagliflozin.
Our presentations for Wayne State University Graduate Research Symposium, March 2023: Chronic environmental VOC exposure predisposes to metabolic disease: Oral presentation for Sydney Scofield
Prenatal exposure to environmental VOC alters offspring metabolism and microglial response: Poster presentation for Lisa Koshko.
January 2023
- Our lab officially joined the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences @CLEAR @CURES_WSU
- Sadly we said goodbye to Lucas Debarba, the first postdoc in our lab! Lucas is now appointed as a Director of the Metabolic Core Facility at Weil Cornell Medicine!
- A new paper from our lab is now accepted for publication at GeroScience! Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer and Juliana Lima for their first co-authored publication!
- Our new preprint by Lisa Koshko et al, demonstrates the impact of prenatal exposure to pollution on hypothalamic development and neuroinflammation, predisposing the offspring to metabolic disease. BioRxiv
Luke and Hashan are presenting their data at the 26th Annual Wayne State University School of Medicine Graduate Student Research Presentation Day
December 2022
- Celebrating Holidays, new students in the lab, new jobs, and new beginnings!
- Lisa Koshko is presenting our data on the role of hypothalamic development in the predisposition of metabolic disease at the Superfund meeting @CLEARWSU @SRP_NIEHS, North Carolina
October 2022
- Lucas (presenting a talk) and Hashan (presenting a poster) at the Biology Annual Retreat
- Join us for Lucas’s talk at UM seminar:
September 2022
- Lisa Koshko is presenting her work at the Chemistry -Biology T32 symposium! Congrats Lisa for year 2 of funding for T32
- Luke Stilgenbauer is presenting his work at the Detroit Cardiovascular Center T32 Symposium! Congrats Luke for the fellowship!
August 2022
- Our new paper on the role of GHR signaling in AgRP neurons on thermoregulation is finally submitted!! Congrats to the team for all the efforts! “Growth hormone receptor (GHR) in AgRP neurons regulates thermogenesis in aged mice in a sex-specific manner”
- Our lab welcomes a new rotation graduate student Ana Luiza Terra dos Santos from the University of Sao Paulo (USP)! We are very excited to have Ana on board!
We are so proud of Hashan Jayarathne for being awarded Graduate Research Award from Biological Sciences! Congrats Hashan!
Our new collaborative @ITP Cana paper was accepted to GeroScience!! “Canagliflozin Retards Age-Related Lesions in Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Adrenal Gland in Genetically Heterogenous Male Mice”
Congrats to Hashan for scoring another paper!
July 2022
Congrats to Lisa Koshko for successfully passing her Ph.D. prospectus!
June 2022
Celebrating summer and our new papers!
Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney!! Our review article ” Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming” was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Endocrinology!
May 2022
Our paper “Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: lessons from aged genetically diverse UM-HET3 mice” was accepted for publication in Aging Cell! Congrats to Hashan, Lucas, and Jacob for the excellent work!!
Our lab presentations at AGE 2022, Texas, San Antonio.
@LukeStilgenbauer’s (grad student) first talk at the national meeting!
@LucasDebarba (postdoctoral fellow) giving a talk as AGE Early Career Scholar
And don’t forget to check our poster by @HashanJayarathne
Marianna was talking about our research at FASEB meeting
Our lab presentations at Michigan Diabetes Symposium
April 2022
Lucas Debarba and Luke Stilgenbauer have been selected for a Travel Award at the 2022 American Aging Association Annual Meeting
March 2022
NIH Grant Award to Support Brain and Environmental Research
The Sadagurski lab received a new NIH grant award R01ES033171 ‘Benzene exposure promotes neuroinflammation and metabolic dysregulation’ to examine the links between air pollution, metabolic disease, and hypothalamic inflammation through 2027.
Presenting our posters at the #SOT2022 meeting, in San Diego! @LucasDebarba and @LisaKoshko
Lucas Debarba was selected as an American Aging Association (AGE) Early Career Scholar for 2022!!
Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer for becoming T32 fellow at Detroit Cardiovascular Training Program (DCTP)
Lucas Debarba receives Postdoctoral Travel Grant for ADA!!! Congrats!!!
February 2022
Congratulation to Lucas Debarba, for receiving a Postdoctoral Research Award and a Postdoctoral Service Award from WSU!!!
January 2022
Join us to submit an article on this exciting topic of Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease
Congrats to Hashan and Luke for presenting their work as short talks at the WSU Graduate Student Research Presentation Day (GSRPD)
Our new paper demonstrating novel neuroprotective effects of SGLT2i, Canagliflozin in aging brain is finally submitted! Congrats to Hashan and Lucas for excellent work! Check out the preprint on bioRxiv.
December 2021
Celebrating the end of the successful year for our lab!!
We are grateful for the new funding support from Michigan Diabetes Research Center!! Go Blue!
Our lab receives funding from Impetus Grants
- Marianna Sadagurski is now on the advisory board for Lactocore
November 2021
Our lab first R01!!! NIEHS!!!
- Congrats Hashan for a beautiful oral presentation at Biological Sciences retreat. “A novel diabetes drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”. 3 poster presentations from our lab from Lisa, Luke and Lukas Retreat Brochure 2021
October 2021
- Congrats Lucas for winning 2nd place for postdoc posters presentation at the Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
- Sadagurski lab seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences WSU
September 2021
- Invited seminar at Saint Louis University Sadagurski Seminar Flyer
- Our lab welcomes two rotation Ms. students: Mohamed Dabaja and Sydney Quagliato
- Congratulations Lisa for the best poster award at the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium!!!
August 2021
- Keeping up with traditions! End of summer picnic (Belle Isle with Klueh lab)
- Congartulations Lisa for being awarded this year Biological Sciences Graduate Research award!! Well deserved!
- Our lab welcomes undergraduate student (neuroscience major) Jawad Saad.
July 2021
- Finally our first CGM study in collaboration with Uli Klueh lab (Biomedical Engineering)
Stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff focusing on hypothalamic glucose-sensing neurons and glia interactions with a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) under environmental stress and aging!!!
- Congratulation to Lucas and Hashan! Their new paper was accepted to the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. We demonstrate that sex-specific effects of 17-a-estradiol on age-associated gliosis are brain region-specific and are partially dependent on gonadectomy.
- Join us at the AGE meeting in person or virtual!! July 20-23
Marianna will be presenting our new data on the effect of Canagliflozin on neuroinflammation and cognitive function
- Lisa Koshko is now the T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Scholar! Congrats Lisa!!!
- Welcome to MA student Jacob Jaboro and biology undergraduate student Devra Athanasiadis!
June 2021
- Check out Lucas’s virtual poster at the 2021 Keystone Symposia Conference. Neuro-Immune interactions in Health and Disease.
“Microglia-specific IKK inflammatory pathway in pollution-induced metabolic dysfunction“.
- Hashan is presenting his data on the aging brain and novel drug Canagliflozin at the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium 2021.
Join the discussion and listen to his recording!
“A novel anti-aging drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”.
April 2021
Two papers from our group are now accepted to the Special Issue ” GH and GHR Signaling in Disease and Health” in Cells!
Congratulation to Juliana and the wonderful team!
ARCGHR Neurons Regulate Muscle Glucose Uptake
Hypothalamic GHR—SIRT1 Axis in Fasting
4/10/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
The seminar topic: Deciphering the role of growth hormone receptor (GHR) expressing neurons in glucose metabolism.
March 2021 news!
3/7/2021 With sadness we say goodbye to Juliana!
Juliana is leaving the lab to join the team in Novartis Brazil as a medical liaison! Good luck Juliana in this exciting new opportunity and your dream job 🙂
3/2/2021 Lisa Koshko and Lucas Debarba paper is featured at WSU Biology media
Congrats Hashan and Lisa for presenting talks at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
Luke and Partick are presenting posters at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
2/8/2021 Our lab will be hosting a seminar speaker Dr. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center. Join the seminar!
“Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution: Attributable Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
2/3/2021 Juliana is presenting her research at the Keystone Diabetes meeting 2021. Joint Session on CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis and Blood Glucose (virtual)!
2/2/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at Saint Louis University (SLU)
1/2021 Great start for 2021 for our lab!!
**Lisa’s and Lucas’s paper on gestational predisposition to Diabetes due to maternal exposure to the volatile organic compounds was accepted for publication in Toxicological Sciences!!!!!
**Juliana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Diabetes meeting!! Diabetes and Obesity Program
**Lucas will be presenting a poster and a short 5 minutes talk at the same meeting
** Lucas will be presenting his work at UM Diabetes and Metabolism seminars Integrative Aspects Schedule 2020-2021
11/2020 Our lab is featured in Biological Sciences Magazine
11/2020 Some good news for Juliana and Lucas! Our new work is published in the Pituitary. Meeting abstracts from the 2020 International Meeting on GH/IGF: actions in the shadow of COVID19
11/2020 Our new “Sadagurski/Kinney/Alcedo journal club” was established and running!! Way to go Juliana for this initiative!
9/2020 Our new collaborative paper is finally online!! Congrats to Lucas and Hashan!!
“Canagliflozin extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous male but not female mice”, JCI Insight
9/2020 An amazing event hosted by Marianna Sadagurski! Please join us!
8/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Growth hormone receptor (GHR)-expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus regulate glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. @julianabez_, @LucasDebarba
8/2020 Lisa Koshko our first graduate student M.S. Biotech in Biological Sciences, defended her thesis “Metabolic Reprogramming by In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure”. Congrats Lisa!!
5/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Sex hormones play a significant role in mediating 17a-Estradiol effects on the aging brain and neuroinflammation. @LucasDebarba, @HashanJayarath1
5/ 2020 Our new paper titled ” Acarbose Protects From Central and Peripheral Metabolic Imbalance Induced by Benzene Exposure” was accepted for publication at Brain Behavior and Immunity! Congrats Lucas!
5/2020 Juliana presents her research by giving a talk at MDRC Virtual Diabetes Symposium 2020
5/2020 We are thrilled to present the first seminar in GH/IGF-1 online sessions!
4/2020 We are starting a new online seminar series on the role of GH and IGF-1 in metabolism and aging! Please join us starting May 7 at 3:30 PM! The focus will be on the central and peripheral role of the GH/IGF1 axis!
4/2020 Juliana is using the online platform to present her research for the University of Michigan community (Neuroscience and Endocrinology). Join us online!
3/2020 While universities everywhere are closed, we are moving to the online platform to present our research to the Aging community! Log in and listen to the amazing talks from our colleagues all over the world! #Aging in Isolation
- March 19: Dr. Marianna Sadagurski, Glia in the aging brain and anti-aging interventions under stress
3/2020 Lucas’s new paper on the effects of Benzene exposure on metabolic imbalance and neuroinflammation is submitted! A new preprint is posted in BioRxiv:
3/2020 Check out our new collaborative study with the University of Michigan in Scientific Reports:
3/2020 Symposium Award winners!
Our grad students Hashan Jayarathne and Lisa Koshko are being awarded 2nd place and honorable mention at 10th Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congrats guys!
1/2020 Great news for our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah! Chidera was awarded a competitive Minority Undergraduate Internship Award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for a period of one year. Her ADA project titled: “The role of hypothalamic GHR-SIRT1 axis in energy homeostasis” will be performed under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow in the lab Juliana Lima. Chidera will be studying the links between epigenetic master regulator SIRT1 and the neuroendocrine systems in the brain in response to diet-induced obesity.
12/2019 Lucas Debarba presented his research at CMMG meeting
11/2019 Our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah was awarded NSF funded APEX MI-LSAMP fellowship!
11/2019 A new rotation graduate student Hashan Jayarathne is joining the lab! Welcome, Hashan!
10/2019 Grad student Lisa Koshko and Mikaela Sacla are presenting their data at Biology Departmental Retreat.
9/2019 Our lab was awarded an Environmental Health Sciences CURES pilot grant
8/2019 Check out our new paper in AJP:
8/2019 We start a tradition of Summer Barbecue day out on Belle Isle (Detroit) together with Klueh lab!
6/2019 Olesya Didyuk gives a talk at the Michigan Physiology meeting (WSU team Physiology)
6/2019 Our beautiful new stereotactic apparatus arrives, and some of us are very excited…
6/ 2019 ADA 2019 (San Francisco, CA)
5/2019 Dr. Sadagurski presented our lab work at Pan-American Physiology meeting (Cuba).
5/2019 American Heart Association Walk! Full participation from our lab (with Dr. Steve Lanier, OVPR), and some drinks after a successful walk!
4/2019 Fun birthday party with Klueh lab!
4/2019 Olesya and Abby are presenting at Undergraduate research Day at WSU
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Endo 2019 in New Orleans
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Michigan Diabetes meeting at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sadagurski is giving an oral presentation
2/2019 Dr. Juliana Lima is joining our team! Go DREADDs!
1/2019 Our lab has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to support incoming postdoc for two years! Thank you OVPR!
12/2018 Lucas presented a talk at the monthly meeting of Neuroendocrine Control of Metabolism Research Club at the University of Michigan on “Air-pollution induced insulin resistance is associated with hypothalamic gliosis in male mice”
12/2018 Annual Holiday party together with Klueh lab
12/18 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the University of Indianapolis
11/18 Lucas and Abby presented at the annual Biology retreat
10/18 Ivan presented a talk at the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Day
04/18 Maddy and Ivan presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Society for Neuroscience
01/18 Dr. Sadagurski was interviewed on her lab research during the halftime of the WSU basketball game
11/17 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development grant was awarded to determine the role of hypothalamic GHR expressing neurons in glucose metabolism. See here the announcement on the CLAS website.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Michigan
10/17 Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Iven Ayyar and Louai Elatrache!
10/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Department of Pharmacology of Wayne State University.
10/17 Check out our Editorial on neuroinflammation in Aging
8/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave an invited talk at the Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience as part of IINN monthly seminar series.
7/17 Check out Dr. Sadagurski’s interview in Science! Dr. Sadagurski discussed a recent paper from Dongsheng Cai lab.
07/17 Dr. Sadagurski presented at FASEB meeting on glucose transporters in Snowmass village CO
05/17 Check out our new paper in Aging Cell
03/17 Check out our new paper in Molecular Metabolism
03/17 Maddy Koch and Sruthi Ramesh joined the lab – welcome!
01/17 Welcome Gillian Cady!
12/16 Our lab is up and running!
August 2022
- Our new paper on the role of GHR signaling in AgRP neurons on thermoregulation is finally submitted!! Congrats to the team for all the efforts! “Growth hormone receptor (GHR) in AgRP neurons regulates thermogenesis in aged mice in a sex-specific manner”
- Our lab welcomes a new rotation graduate student Ana Luiza Terra dos Santos from the University of Sao Paulo (USP)! We are very excited to have Ana on board!
We are so proud of Hashan Jayarathne for being awarded Graduate Research Award from Biological Sciences! Congrats Hashan!
Our new collaborative @ITP Cana paper was accepted to GeroScience!! “Canagliflozin Retards Age-Related Lesions in Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Adrenal Gland in Genetically Heterogenous Male Mice”
Congrats to Hashan for scoring another paper!
July 2022
Congrats to Lisa Koshko for successfully passing her Ph.D. prospectus!
June 2022
Celebrating summer and our new papers!
Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney!! Our review article ” Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming” was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Endocrinology!
May 2022
Our paper “Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: lessons from aged genetically diverse UM-HET3 mice” was accepted for publication in Aging Cell! Congrats to Hashan, Lucas, and Jacob for the excellent work!!
Our lab presentations at AGE 2022, Texas, San Antonio.
@LukeStilgenbauer’s (grad student) first talk at the national meeting!
@LucasDebarba (postdoctoral fellow) giving a talk as AGE Early Career Scholar
And don’t forget to check our poster by @HashanJayarathne
Marianna was talking about our research at FASEB meeting
Our lab presentations at Michigan Diabetes Symposium
April 2022
Lucas Debarba and Luke Stilgenbauer have been selected for a Travel Award at the 2022 American Aging Association Annual Meeting
March 2022
NIH Grant Award to Support Brain and Environmental Research
The Sadagurski lab received a new NIH grant award R01ES033171 ‘Benzene exposure promotes neuroinflammation and metabolic dysregulation’ to examine the links between air pollution, metabolic disease, and hypothalamic inflammation through 2027.
Presenting our posters at the #SOT2022 meeting, San Diego! @LucasDebarba and @LisaKoshko
Lucas Debarba was selected as an American Aging Association (AGE) Early Career Scholar for 2022!!
Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer for becoming T32 fellow at Detroit Cardiovascular Training Program (DCTP)
Lucas Debarba receives Postdoctoral Travel Grant for ADA!!! Congrats!!!
February 2022
Congratulation to Lucas Debarba, for receiving a Postdoctoral Research Award and a Postdoctoral Service Award from WSU!!!
January 2022
Join us to submit an article on this exciting topic of Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease
Congrats to Hashan and Luke for presenting their work as short talks at the WSU Graduate Student Research Presentation Day (GSRPD)
Our new paper demonstrating novel neuroprotective effects of SGLT2i, Canagliflozin in aging brain is finally submitted! Congrats to Hashan and Lucas for excellent work! Check out the preprint on bioRxiv.
December 2021
Celebrating the end of the successful year for our lab!!
We are grateful for the new funding support from Michigan Diabetes Research Center!! Go Blue!
Our lab receives funding from Impetus Grants
- Marianna Sadagurski is now on the advisory board for Lactocore
November 2021
Our lab first R01!!! NIEHS!!!
- Congrats Hashan for a beautiful oral presentation at Biological Sciences retreat. “A novel diabetes drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”. 3 poster presentations from our lab from Lisa, Luke and Lukas Retreat Brochure 2021
October 2021
- Congrats Lucas for winning 2nd place for postdoc posters presentation at the Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
- Sadagurski lab seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences WSU
September 2021
- Invited seminar at Saint Louis University Sadagurski Seminar Flyer
- Our lab welcomes two rotation Ms. students: Mohamed Dabaja and Sydney Quagliato
- Congratulations Lisa for the best poster award at the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium!!!
August 2021
- Keeping up with traditions! End of summer picnic (Belle Isle with Klueh lab)
- Congartulations Lisa for being awarded this year Biological Sciences Graduate Research award!! Well deserved!
- Our lab welcomes undergraduate student (neuroscience major) Jawad Saad.
July 2021
- Finally our first CGM study in collaboration with Uli Klueh lab (Biomedical Engineering)
Stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff focusing on hypothalamic glucose-sensing neurons and glia interactions with a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) under environmental stress and aging!!!
- Congratulation to Lucas and Hashan! Their new paper was accepted to the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. We demonstrate that sex-specific effects of 17-a-estradiol on age-associated gliosis are brain region-specific and are partially dependent on gonadectomy.
- Join us at the AGE meeting in person or virtual!! July 20-23
Marianna will be presenting our new data on the effect of Canagliflozin on neuroinflammation and cognitive function
- Lisa Koshko is now the T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Scholar! Congrats Lisa!!!
- Welcome to MA student Jacob Jaboro and biology undergraduate student Devra Athanasiadis!
June 2021
- Check out Lucas’s virtual poster at the 2021 Keystone Symposia Conference. Neuro-Immune interactions in Health and Disease.
“Microglia-specific IKK inflammatory pathway in pollution-induced metabolic dysfunction“.
- Hashan is presenting his data on the aging brain and novel drug Canagliflozin at the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium 2021.
Join the discussion and listen to his recording!
“A novel anti-aging drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”.
April 2021
Two papers from our group are now accepted to the Special Issue ” GH and GHR Signaling in Disease and Health” in Cells!
Congratulation to Juliana and the wonderful team!
ARCGHR Neurons Regulate Muscle Glucose Uptake
Hypothalamic GHR—SIRT1 Axis in Fasting
4/10/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
The seminar topic: Deciphering the role of growth hormone receptor (GHR) expressing neurons in glucose metabolism.
March 2021 news!
3/7/2021 With sadness we say goodbye to Juliana!
Juliana is leaving the lab to join the team in Novartis Brazil as a medical liaison! Good luck Juliana in this exciting new opportunity and your dream job 🙂
3/2/2021 Lisa Koshko and Lucas Debarba paper is featured at WSU Biology media
Congrats Hashan and Lisa for presenting talks at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
Luke and Partick are presenting posters at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
2/8/2021 Our lab will be hosting a seminar speaker Dr. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center. Join the seminar!
“Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution: Attributable Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
2/3/2021 Juliana is presenting her research at the Keystone Diabetes meeting 2021. Joint Session on CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis and Blood Glucose (virtual)!
2/2/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at Saint Louis University (SLU)
1/2021 Great start for 2021 for our lab!!
**Lisa’s and Lucas’s paper on gestational predisposition to Diabetes due to maternal exposure to the volatile organic compounds was accepted for publication in Toxicological Sciences!!!!!
**Juliana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Diabetes meeting!! Diabetes and Obesity Program
**Lucas will be presenting a poster and a short 5 minutes talk at the same meeting
** Lucas will be presenting his work at UM Diabetes and Metabolism seminars Integrative Aspects Schedule 2020-2021
11/2020 Our lab is featured in Biological Sciences Magazine
11/2020 Some good news for Juliana and Lucas! Our new work is published in the Pituitary. Meeting abstracts from the 2020 International Meeting on GH/IGF: actions in the shadow of COVID19
11/2020 Our new “Sadagurski/Kinney/Alcedo journal club” was established and running!! Way to go Juliana for this initiative!
9/2020 Our new collaborative paper is finally online!! Congrats to Lucas and Hashan!!
“Canagliflozin extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous male but not female mice”, JCI Insight
9/2020 An amazing event hosted by Marianna Sadagurski! Please join us!
8/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Growth hormone receptor (GHR)-expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus regulate glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. @julianabez_, @LucasDebarba
8/2020 Lisa Koshko our first graduate student M.S. Biotech in Biological Sciences, defended her thesis “Metabolic Reprogramming by In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure”. Congrats Lisa!!
5/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Sex hormones play a significant role in mediating 17a-Estradiol effects on the aging brain and neuroinflammation. @LucasDebarba, @HashanJayarath1
5/ 2020 Our new paper titled ” Acarbose Protects From Central and Peripheral Metabolic Imbalance Induced by Benzene Exposure” was accepted for publication at Brain Behavior and Immunity! Congrats Lucas!
5/2020 Juliana presents her research by giving a talk at MDRC Virtual Diabetes Symposium 2020
5/2020 We are thrilled to present the first seminar in GH/IGF-1 online sessions!
4/2020 We are starting a new online seminar series on the role of GH and IGF-1 in metabolism and aging! Please join us starting May 7 at 3:30 PM! The focus will be on the central and peripheral role of the GH/IGF1 axis!
4/2020 Juliana is using the online platform to present her research for the University of Michigan community (Neuroscience and Endocrinology). Join us online!
3/2020 While universities everywhere are closed, we are moving to the online platform to present our research to the Aging community! Log in and listen to the amazing talks from our colleagues all over the world! #Aging in Isolation
- March 19: Dr. Marianna Sadagurski, Glia in the aging brain and anti-aging interventions under stress
3/2020 Lucas’s new paper on the effects of Benzene exposure on metabolic imbalance and neuroinflammation is submitted! A new preprint is posted in BioRxiv:
3/2020 Check out our new collaborative study with the University of Michigan in Scientific Reports:
3/2020 Symposium Award winners!
Our grad students Hashan Jayarathne and Lisa Koshko are being awarded 2nd place and honorable mention at 10th Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congrats guys!
1/2020 Great news for our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah! Chidera was awarded a competitive Minority Undergraduate Internship Award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for a period of one year. Her ADA project titled: “The role of hypothalamic GHR-SIRT1 axis in energy homeostasis” will be performed under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow in the lab Juliana Lima. Chidera will be studying the links between epigenetic master regulator SIRT1 and the neuroendocrine systems in the brain in response to diet-induced obesity.
12/2019 Lucas Debarba presented his research at CMMG meeting
11/2019 Our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah was awarded NSF funded APEX MI-LSAMP fellowship!
11/2019 A new rotation graduate student Hashan Jayarathne is joining the lab! Welcome, Hashan!
10/2019 Grad student Lisa Koshko and Mikaela Sacla are presenting their data at Biology Departmental Retreat.
9/2019 Our lab was awarded an Environmental Health Sciences CURES pilot grant
8/2019 Check out our new paper in AJP:
8/2019 We start a tradition of Summer Barbecue day out on Belle Isle (Detroit) together with Klueh lab!
6/2019 Olesya Didyuk gives a talk at the Michigan Physiology meeting (WSU team Physiology)
6/2019 Our beautiful new stereotactic apparatus arrives, and some of us are very excited…
6/ 2019 ADA 2019 (San Francisco, CA)
5/2019 Dr. Sadagurski presented our lab work at Pan-American Physiology meeting (Cuba).
5/2019 American Heart Association Walk! Full participation from our lab (with Dr. Steve Lanier, OVPR), and some drinks after a successful walk!
4/2019 Fun birthday party with Klueh lab!
4/2019 Olesya and Abby are presenting at Undergraduate research Day at WSU
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Endo 2019 in New Orleans
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Michigan Diabetes meeting at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sadagurski is giving an oral presentation
2/2019 Dr. Juliana Lima is joining our team! Go DREADDs!
1/2019 Our lab has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to support incoming postdoc for two years! Thank you OVPR!
12/2018 Lucas presented a talk at the monthly meeting of Neuroendocrine Control of Metabolism Research Club at the University of Michigan on “Air-pollution induced insulin resistance is associated with hypothalamic gliosis in male mice”
12/2018 Annual Holiday party together with Klueh lab
12/18 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the University of Indianapolis
11/18 Lucas and Abby presented at the annual Biology retreat
10/18 Ivan presented a talk at the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Day
04/18 Maddy and Ivan presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Society for Neuroscience
01/18 Dr. Sadagurski was interviewed on her lab research during the halftime of the WSU basketball game
11/17 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development grant was awarded to determine the role of hypothalamic GHR expressing neurons in glucose metabolism. See here the announcement on the CLAS website.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Michigan
10/17 Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Iven Ayyar and Louai Elatrache!
10/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Department of Pharmacology of Wayne State University.
10/17 Check out our Editorial on neuroinflammation in Aging
8/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave an invited talk at the Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience as part of IINN monthly seminar series.
7/17 Check out Dr. Sadagurski’s interview in Science! Dr. Sadagurski discussed a recent paper from Dongsheng Cai lab.
07/17 Dr. Sadagurski presented at FASEB meeting on glucose transporters in Snowmass village CO
05/17 Check out our new paper in Aging Cell
03/17 Check out our new paper in Molecular Metabolism
03/17 Maddy Koch and Sruthi Ramesh joined the lab – welcome!
01/17 Welcome Gillian Cady!
12/16 Our lab is up and running!
August 2022
- Our new paper on the role of GHR signaling in AgRP neurons on thermoregulation is finally submitted!! Congrats to the team for all the efforts! “Growth hormone receptor (GHR) in AgRP neurons regulates thermogenesis in aged mice in a sex-specific manner”
- Our lab welcomes a new rotation graduate student Ana Luiza Terra dos Santos from the University of Sao Paulo (USP)! We are very excited to have Ana on board!
We are so proud of Hashan Jayarathne for being awarded Graduate Research Award from Biological Sciences! Congrats Hashan!
Our new collaborative @ITP Cana paper was accepted to GeroScience!! “Canagliflozin Retards Age-Related Lesions in Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Adrenal Gland in Genetically Heterogenous Male Mice”
Congrats to Hashan for scoring another paper!
July 2022
Congrats to Lisa Koshko for successfully passing her Ph.D. prospectus!
June 2022
Celebrating summer and our new papers!
Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney!! Our review article ” Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming” was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Endocrinology!
May 2022
Our paper “Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: lessons from aged genetically diverse UM-HET3 mice” was accepted for publication in Aging Cell! Congrats to Hashan, Lucas, and Jacob for the excellent work!!
Our lab presentations at AGE 2022, Texas, San Antonio.
@LukeStilgenbauer’s (grad student) first talk at the national meeting!
@LucasDebarba (postdoctoral fellow) giving a talk as AGE Early Career Scholar
And don’t forget to check our poster by @HashanJayarathne
Marianna was talking about our research at FASEB meeting
Our lab presentations at Michigan Diabetes Symposium
April 2022
Lucas Debarba and Luke Stilgenbauer have been selected for a Travel Award at the 2022 American Aging Association Annual Meeting
March 2022
NIH Grant Award to Support Brain and Environmental Research
The Sadagurski lab received a new NIH grant award R01ES033171 ‘Benzene exposure promotes neuroinflammation and metabolic dysregulation’ to examine the links between air pollution, metabolic disease, and hypothalamic inflammation through 2027.
Presenting our posters at the #SOT2022 meeting, San Diego! @LucasDebarba and @LisaKoshko
Lucas Debarba was selected as an American Aging Association (AGE) Early Career Scholar for 2022!!
Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer for becoming T32 fellow at Detroit Cardiovascular Training Program (DCTP)
Lucas Debarba receives Postdoctoral Travel Grant for ADA!!! Congrats!!!
February 2022
Congratulation to Lucas Debarba, for receiving a Postdoctoral Research Award and a Postdoctoral Service Award from WSU!!!
January 2022
Join us to submit an article on this exciting topic of Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease
Congrats to Hashan and Luke for presenting their work as short talks at the WSU Graduate Student Research Presentation Day (GSRPD)
Our new paper demonstrating novel neuroprotective effects of SGLT2i, Canagliflozin in aging brain is finally submitted! Congrats to Hashan and Lucas for excellent work! Check out the preprint on bioRxiv.
December 2021
Celebrating the end of the successful year for our lab!!
We are grateful for the new funding support from Michigan Diabetes Research Center!! Go Blue!
Our lab receives funding from Impetus Grants
- Marianna Sadagurski is now on the advisory board for Lactocore
November 2021
Our lab first R01!!! NIEHS!!!
- Congrats Hashan for a beautiful oral presentation at Biological Sciences retreat. “A novel diabetes drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”. 3 poster presentations from our lab from Lisa, Luke and Lukas Retreat Brochure 2021
October 2021
- Congrats Lucas for winning 2nd place for postdoc posters presentation at the Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
- Sadagurski lab seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences WSU
September 2021
- Invited seminar at Saint Louis University Sadagurski Seminar Flyer
- Our lab welcomes two rotation Ms. students: Mohamed Dabaja and Sydney Quagliato
- Congratulations Lisa for the best poster award at the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium!!!
August 2021
- Keeping up with traditions! End of summer picnic (Belle Isle with Klueh lab)
- Congartulations Lisa for being awarded this year Biological Sciences Graduate Research award!! Well deserved!
- Our lab welcomes undergraduate student (neuroscience major) Jawad Saad.
July 2021
- Finally our first CGM study in collaboration with Uli Klueh lab (Biomedical Engineering)
Stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff focusing on hypothalamic glucose-sensing neurons and glia interactions with a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) under environmental stress and aging!!!
- Congratulation to Lucas and Hashan! Their new paper was accepted to the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. We demonstrate that sex-specific effects of 17-a-estradiol on age-associated gliosis are brain region-specific and are partially dependent on gonadectomy.
- Join us at the AGE meeting in person or virtual!! July 20-23
Marianna will be presenting our new data on the effect of Canagliflozin on neuroinflammation and cognitive function
- Lisa Koshko is now the T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Scholar! Congrats Lisa!!!
- Welcome to MA student Jacob Jaboro and biology undergraduate student Devra Athanasiadis!
June 2021
- Check out Lucas’s virtual poster at the 2021 Keystone Symposia Conference. Neuro-Immune interactions in Health and Disease.
“Microglia-specific IKK inflammatory pathway in pollution-induced metabolic dysfunction“.
- Hashan is presenting his data on the aging brain and novel drug Canagliflozin at the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium 2021.
Join the discussion and listen to his recording!
“A novel anti-aging drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”.
April 2021
Two papers from our group are now accepted to the Special Issue ” GH and GHR Signaling in Disease and Health” in Cells!
Congratulation to Juliana and the wonderful team!
ARCGHR Neurons Regulate Muscle Glucose Uptake
Hypothalamic GHR—SIRT1 Axis in Fasting
4/10/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
The seminar topic: Deciphering the role of growth hormone receptor (GHR) expressing neurons in glucose metabolism.
March 2021 news!
3/7/2021 With sadness we say goodbye to Juliana!
Juliana is leaving the lab to join the team in Novartis Brazil as a medical liaison! Good luck Juliana in this exciting new opportunity and your dream job 🙂
3/2/2021 Lisa Koshko and Lucas Debarba paper is featured at WSU Biology media
Congrats Hashan and Lisa for presenting talks at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
Luke and Partick are presenting posters at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
2/8/2021 Our lab will be hosting a seminar speaker Dr. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center. Join the seminar!
“Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution: Attributable Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
2/3/2021 Juliana is presenting her research at the Keystone Diabetes meeting 2021. Joint Session on CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis and Blood Glucose (virtual)!
2/2/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at Saint Louis University (SLU)
1/2021 Great start for 2021 for our lab!!
**Lisa’s and Lucas’s paper on gestational predisposition to Diabetes due to maternal exposure to the volatile organic compounds was accepted for publication in Toxicological Sciences!!!!!
**Juliana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Diabetes meeting!! Diabetes and Obesity Program
**Lucas will be presenting a poster and a short 5 minutes talk at the same meeting
** Lucas will be presenting his work at UM Diabetes and Metabolism seminars Integrative Aspects Schedule 2020-2021
11/2020 Our lab is featured in Biological Sciences Magazine
11/2020 Some good news for Juliana and Lucas! Our new work is published in the Pituitary. Meeting abstracts from the 2020 International Meeting on GH/IGF: actions in the shadow of COVID19
11/2020 Our new “Sadagurski/Kinney/Alcedo journal club” was established and running!! Way to go Juliana for this initiative!
9/2020 Our new collaborative paper is finally online!! Congrats to Lucas and Hashan!!
“Canagliflozin extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous male but not female mice”, JCI Insight
9/2020 An amazing event hosted by Marianna Sadagurski! Please join us!
8/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Growth hormone receptor (GHR)-expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus regulate glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. @julianabez_, @LucasDebarba
8/2020 Lisa Koshko our first graduate student M.S. Biotech in Biological Sciences, defended her thesis “Metabolic Reprogramming by In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure”. Congrats Lisa!!
5/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Sex hormones play a significant role in mediating 17a-Estradiol effects on the aging brain and neuroinflammation. @LucasDebarba, @HashanJayarath1
5/ 2020 Our new paper titled ” Acarbose Protects From Central and Peripheral Metabolic Imbalance Induced by Benzene Exposure” was accepted for publication at Brain Behavior and Immunity! Congrats Lucas!
5/2020 Juliana presents her research by giving a talk at MDRC Virtual Diabetes Symposium 2020
5/2020 We are thrilled to present the first seminar in GH/IGF-1 online sessions!
4/2020 We are starting a new online seminar series on the role of GH and IGF-1 in metabolism and aging! Please join us starting May 7 at 3:30 PM! The focus will be on the central and peripheral role of the GH/IGF1 axis!
4/2020 Juliana is using the online platform to present her research for the University of Michigan community (Neuroscience and Endocrinology). Join us online!
3/2020 While universities everywhere are closed, we are moving to the online platform to present our research to the Aging community! Log in and listen to the amazing talks from our colleagues all over the world! #Aging in Isolation
- March 19: Dr. Marianna Sadagurski, Glia in the aging brain and anti-aging interventions under stress
3/2020 Lucas’s new paper on the effects of Benzene exposure on metabolic imbalance and neuroinflammation is submitted! A new preprint is posted in BioRxiv:
3/2020 Check out our new collaborative study with the University of Michigan in Scientific Reports:
3/2020 Symposium Award winners!
Our grad students Hashan Jayarathne and Lisa Koshko are being awarded 2nd place and honorable mention at 10th Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congrats guys!
1/2020 Great news for our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah! Chidera was awarded a competitive Minority Undergraduate Internship Award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for a period of one year. Her ADA project titled: “The role of hypothalamic GHR-SIRT1 axis in energy homeostasis” will be performed under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow in the lab Juliana Lima. Chidera will be studying the links between epigenetic master regulator SIRT1 and the neuroendocrine systems in the brain in response to diet-induced obesity.
12/2019 Lucas Debarba presented his research at CMMG meeting
11/2019 Our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah was awarded NSF funded APEX MI-LSAMP fellowship!
11/2019 A new rotation graduate student Hashan Jayarathne is joining the lab! Welcome, Hashan!
10/2019 Grad student Lisa Koshko and Mikaela Sacla are presenting their data at Biology Departmental Retreat.
9/2019 Our lab was awarded an Environmental Health Sciences CURES pilot grant
8/2019 Check out our new paper in AJP:
8/2019 We start a tradition of Summer Barbecue day out on Belle Isle (Detroit) together with Klueh lab!
6/2019 Olesya Didyuk gives a talk at the Michigan Physiology meeting (WSU team Physiology)
6/2019 Our beautiful new stereotactic apparatus arrives, and some of us are very excited…
6/ 2019 ADA 2019 (San Francisco, CA)
5/2019 Dr. Sadagurski presented our lab work at Pan-American Physiology meeting (Cuba).
5/2019 American Heart Association Walk! Full participation from our lab (with Dr. Steve Lanier, OVPR), and some drinks after a successful walk!
4/2019 Fun birthday party with Klueh lab!
4/2019 Olesya and Abby are presenting at Undergraduate research Day at WSU
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Endo 2019 in New Orleans
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Michigan Diabetes meeting at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sadagurski is giving an oral presentation
2/2019 Dr. Juliana Lima is joining our team! Go DREADDs!
1/2019 Our lab has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to support incoming postdoc for two years! Thank you OVPR!
12/2018 Lucas presented a talk at the monthly meeting of Neuroendocrine Control of Metabolism Research Club at the University of Michigan on “Air-pollution induced insulin resistance is associated with hypothalamic gliosis in male mice”
12/2018 Annual Holiday party together with Klueh lab
12/18 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the University of Indianapolis
11/18 Lucas and Abby presented at the annual Biology retreat
10/18 Ivan presented a talk at the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Day
04/18 Maddy and Ivan presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Society for Neuroscience
01/18 Dr. Sadagurski was interviewed on her lab research during the halftime of the WSU basketball game
11/17 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development grant was awarded to determine the role of hypothalamic GHR expressing neurons in glucose metabolism. See here the announcement on the CLAS website.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Michigan
10/17 Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Iven Ayyar and Louai Elatrache!
10/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Department of Pharmacology of Wayne State University.
10/17 Check out our Editorial on neuroinflammation in Aging
8/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave an invited talk at the Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience as part of IINN monthly seminar series.
7/17 Check out Dr. Sadagurski’s interview in Science! Dr. Sadagurski discussed a recent paper from Dongsheng Cai lab.
07/17 Dr. Sadagurski presented at FASEB meeting on glucose transporters in Snowmass village CO
05/17 Check out our new paper in Aging Cell
03/17 Check out our new paper in Molecular Metabolism
03/17 Maddy Koch and Sruthi Ramesh joined the lab – welcome!
01/17 Welcome Gillian Cady!
12/16 Our lab is up and running!
May 2023
- Our lab takes a trip to @Linkedin Detroit headquarters to learn all about networking and job hunting! @CLEAR_Superfund @WSU!!
- Sadly we say goodbye to our undergraduate student for the last two years, Artur Kuchumov and we wish him good luck at his new adventures in the Boston area!
- Awesome day at the Michigan Diabetes @CDI-MOD 2023 Symposium to present our data. 4 posters for Sadagurski lab @HashanJayarathne @LisaKoshko @SydneyScofield @AnaLuizaTerraDosSantos
- Join Dr. Sadagurski’s seminar in person or via Zoom at Dept of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi
- 4th Midwest Aging Symposium presentations by Hashan Jayarathne and Luke Stilgenbauer!
April 2023
- Dr. Sadagurski presented a seminar at the Department of Molecular Pathobiology, NYU
- Luke Stilgenbauer was selected for Oral presentation at the 4th Midwest Aging Symposium hosted by Iowa State University. Hashan Jayarathne was selected for the Travel Award! Congrats to both!
- Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney for their paper, accepted for publication in Chemosphere
March 2023
- Congrats to Hashan Jayarathne for a new Commentary that is just out in Aging: “Repurposing Canagliflozin to target brain aging”, describing his work on Canagliflozin.
Our presentations for Wayne State University Graduate Research Symposium, March 2023: Chronic environmental VOC exposure predisposes to metabolic disease: Oral presentation for Sydney Scofield
Prenatal exposure to environmental VOC alters offspring metabolism and microglial response: Poster presentation for Lisa Koshko.
January 2023
- Our lab officially joined the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences @CLEAR @CURES_WSU
- Sadly we said goodbye to Lucas Debarba, the first postdoc in our lab! Lucas is now appointed as a Director of the Metabolic Core Facility at Weil Cornell Medicine!
- A new paper from our lab is now accepted for publication at GeroScience! Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer and Juliana Lima for their first co-authored publication!
- Our new preprint by Lisa Koshko et al, demonstrates the impact of prenatal exposure to pollution on hypothalamic development and neuroinflammation, predisposing the offspring to metabolic disease. BioRxiv
Luke and Hashan are presenting their data at the 26th Annual Wayne State University School of Medicine Graduate Student Research Presentation Day
December 2022
- Celebrating Holidays, new students in the lab, new jobs, and new beginnings!
- Lisa Koshko is presenting our data on the role of hypothalamic development in the predisposition of metabolic disease at the Superfund meeting @CLEARWSU @SRP_NIEHS, North Carolina
October 2022
- Lucas (presenting a talk) and Hashan (presenting a poster) at the Biology Annual Retreat
- Join us for Lucas’s talk at UM seminar:
September 2022
- Lisa Koshko is presenting her work at the Chemistry -Biology T32 symposium! Congrats Lisa for year 2 of funding for T32
- Luke Stilgenbauer is presenting his work at the Detroit Cardiovascular Center T32 Symposium! Congrats Luke for the fellowship!
August 2022
- Our new paper on the role of GHR signaling in AgRP neurons on thermoregulation is finally submitted!! Congrats to the team for all the efforts! “Growth hormone receptor (GHR) in AgRP neurons regulates thermogenesis in aged mice in a sex-specific manner”
- Our lab welcomes a new rotation graduate student Ana Luiza Terra dos Santos from the University of Sao Paulo (USP)! We are very excited to have Ana on board!
We are so proud of Hashan Jayarathne for being awarded Graduate Research Award from Biological Sciences! Congrats Hashan!
Our new collaborative @ITP Cana paper was accepted to GeroScience!! “Canagliflozin Retards Age-Related Lesions in Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Adrenal Gland in Genetically Heterogenous Male Mice”
Congrats to Hashan for scoring another paper!
July 2022
Congrats to Lisa Koshko for successfully passing her Ph.D. prospectus!
June 2022
Celebrating summer and our new papers!
Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney!! Our review article ” Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming” was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Endocrinology!
May 2022
Our paper “Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: lessons from aged genetically diverse UM-HET3 mice” was accepted for publication in Aging Cell! Congrats to Hashan, Lucas, and Jacob for the excellent work!!
Our lab presentations at AGE 2022, Texas, San Antonio.
@LukeStilgenbauer’s (grad student) first talk at the national meeting!
@LucasDebarba (postdoctoral fellow) giving a talk as AGE Early Career Scholar
And don’t forget to check our poster by @HashanJayarathne
Marianna was talking about our research at FASEB meeting
Our lab presentations at Michigan Diabetes Symposium
April 2022
Lucas Debarba and Luke Stilgenbauer have been selected for a Travel Award at the 2022 American Aging Association Annual Meeting
March 2022
NIH Grant Award to Support Brain and Environmental Research
The Sadagurski lab received a new NIH grant award R01ES033171 ‘Benzene exposure promotes neuroinflammation and metabolic dysregulation’ to examine the links between air pollution, metabolic disease, and hypothalamic inflammation through 2027.
Presenting our posters at the #SOT2022 meeting, San Diego! @LucasDebarba and @LisaKoshko
Lucas Debarba was selected as an American Aging Association (AGE) Early Career Scholar for 2022!!
Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer for becoming T32 fellow at Detroit Cardiovascular Training Program (DCTP)
Lucas Debarba receives Postdoctoral Travel Grant for ADA!!! Congrats!!!
February 2022
Congratulation to Lucas Debarba, for receiving a Postdoctoral Research Award and a Postdoctoral Service Award from WSU!!!
January 2022
Join us to submit an article on this exciting topic of Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease
Congrats to Hashan and Luke for presenting their work as short talks at the WSU Graduate Student Research Presentation Day (GSRPD)
Our new paper demonstrating novel neuroprotective effects of SGLT2i, Canagliflozin in aging brain is finally submitted! Congrats to Hashan and Lucas for excellent work! Check out the preprint on bioRxiv.
December 2021
Celebrating the end of the successful year for our lab!!
We are grateful for the new funding support from Michigan Diabetes Research Center!! Go Blue!
Our lab receives funding from Impetus Grants
- Marianna Sadagurski is now on the advisory board for Lactocore
November 2021
Our lab first R01!!! NIEHS!!!
- Congrats Hashan for a beautiful oral presentation at Biological Sciences retreat. “A novel diabetes drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”. 3 poster presentations from our lab from Lisa, Luke and Lukas Retreat Brochure 2021
October 2021
- Congrats Lucas for winning 2nd place for postdoc posters presentation at the Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
- Sadagurski lab seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences WSU
September 2021
- Invited seminar at Saint Louis University Sadagurski Seminar Flyer
- Our lab welcomes two rotation Ms. students: Mohamed Dabaja and Sydney Quagliato
- Congratulations Lisa for the best poster award at the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium!!!
August 2021
- Keeping up with traditions! End of summer picnic (Belle Isle with Klueh lab)
- Congartulations Lisa for being awarded this year Biological Sciences Graduate Research award!! Well deserved!
- Our lab welcomes undergraduate student (neuroscience major) Jawad Saad.
July 2021
- Finally our first CGM study in collaboration with Uli Klueh lab (Biomedical Engineering)
Stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff focusing on hypothalamic glucose-sensing neurons and glia interactions with a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) under environmental stress and aging!!!
- Congratulation to Lucas and Hashan! Their new paper was accepted to the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. We demonstrate that sex-specific effects of 17-a-estradiol on age-associated gliosis are brain region-specific and are partially dependent on gonadectomy.
- Join us at the AGE meeting in person or virtual!! July 20-23
Marianna will be presenting our new data on the effect of Canagliflozin on neuroinflammation and cognitive function
- Lisa Koshko is now the T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Scholar! Congrats Lisa!!!
- Welcome to MA student Jacob Jaboro and biology undergraduate student Devra Athanasiadis!
June 2021
- Check out Lucas’s virtual poster at the 2021 Keystone Symposia Conference. Neuro-Immune interactions in Health and Disease.
“Microglia-specific IKK inflammatory pathway in pollution-induced metabolic dysfunction“.
- Hashan is presenting his data on the aging brain and novel drug Canagliflozin at the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium 2021.
Join the discussion and listen to his recording!
“A novel anti-aging drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”.
April 2021
Two papers from our group are now accepted to the Special Issue ” GH and GHR Signaling in Disease and Health” in Cells!
Congratulation to Juliana and the wonderful team!
ARCGHR Neurons Regulate Muscle Glucose Uptake
Hypothalamic GHR—SIRT1 Axis in Fasting
4/10/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
The seminar topic: Deciphering the role of growth hormone receptor (GHR) expressing neurons in glucose metabolism.
March 2021 news!
3/7/2021 With sadness we say goodbye to Juliana!
Juliana is leaving the lab to join the team in Novartis Brazil as a medical liaison! Good luck Juliana in this exciting new opportunity and your dream job 🙂
3/2/2021 Lisa Koshko and Lucas Debarba paper is featured at WSU Biology media
Congrats Hashan and Lisa for presenting talks at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
Luke and Partick are presenting posters at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
2/8/2021 Our lab will be hosting a seminar speaker Dr. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center. Join the seminar!
“Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution: Attributable Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
2/3/2021 Juliana is presenting her research at the Keystone Diabetes meeting 2021. Joint Session on CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis and Blood Glucose (virtual)!
2/2/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at Saint Louis University (SLU)
1/2021 Great start for 2021 for our lab!!
**Lisa’s and Lucas’s paper on gestational predisposition to Diabetes due to maternal exposure to the volatile organic compounds was accepted for publication in Toxicological Sciences!!!!!
**Juliana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Diabetes meeting!! Diabetes and Obesity Program
**Lucas will be presenting a poster and a short 5 minutes talk at the same meeting
** Lucas will be presenting his work at UM Diabetes and Metabolism seminars Integrative Aspects Schedule 2020-2021
11/2020 Our lab is featured in Biological Sciences Magazine
11/2020 Some good news for Juliana and Lucas! Our new work is published in the Pituitary. Meeting abstracts from the 2020 International Meeting on GH/IGF: actions in the shadow of COVID19
11/2020 Our new “Sadagurski/Kinney/Alcedo journal club” was established and running!! Way to go Juliana for this initiative!
9/2020 Our new collaborative paper is finally online!! Congrats to Lucas and Hashan!!
“Canagliflozin extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous male but not female mice”, JCI Insight
9/2020 An amazing event hosted by Marianna Sadagurski! Please join us!
8/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Growth hormone receptor (GHR)-expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus regulate glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. @julianabez_, @LucasDebarba
8/2020 Lisa Koshko our first graduate student M.S. Biotech in Biological Sciences, defended her thesis “Metabolic Reprogramming by In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure”. Congrats Lisa!!
5/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Sex hormones play a significant role in mediating 17a-Estradiol effects on the aging brain and neuroinflammation. @LucasDebarba, @HashanJayarath1
5/ 2020 Our new paper titled ” Acarbose Protects From Central and Peripheral Metabolic Imbalance Induced by Benzene Exposure” was accepted for publication at Brain Behavior and Immunity! Congrats Lucas!
5/2020 Juliana presents her research by giving a talk at MDRC Virtual Diabetes Symposium 2020
5/2020 We are thrilled to present the first seminar in GH/IGF-1 online sessions!
4/2020 We are starting a new online seminar series on the role of GH and IGF-1 in metabolism and aging! Please join us starting May 7 at 3:30 PM! The focus will be on the central and peripheral role of the GH/IGF1 axis!
4/2020 Juliana is using the online platform to present her research for the University of Michigan community (Neuroscience and Endocrinology). Join us online!
3/2020 While universities everywhere are closed, we are moving to the online platform to present our research to the Aging community! Log in and listen to the amazing talks from our colleagues all over the world! #Aging in Isolation
- March 19: Dr. Marianna Sadagurski, Glia in the aging brain and anti-aging interventions under stress
3/2020 Lucas’s new paper on the effects of Benzene exposure on metabolic imbalance and neuroinflammation is submitted! A new preprint is posted in BioRxiv:
3/2020 Check out our new collaborative study with the University of Michigan in Scientific Reports:
3/2020 Symposium Award winners!
Our grad students Hashan Jayarathne and Lisa Koshko are being awarded 2nd place and honorable mention at 10th Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congrats guys!
1/2020 Great news for our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah! Chidera was awarded a competitive Minority Undergraduate Internship Award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for a period of one year. Her ADA project titled: “The role of hypothalamic GHR-SIRT1 axis in energy homeostasis” will be performed under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow in the lab Juliana Lima. Chidera will be studying the links between epigenetic master regulator SIRT1 and the neuroendocrine systems in the brain in response to diet-induced obesity.
12/2019 Lucas Debarba presented his research at CMMG meeting
11/2019 Our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah was awarded NSF funded APEX MI-LSAMP fellowship!
11/2019 A new rotation graduate student Hashan Jayarathne is joining the lab! Welcome, Hashan!
10/2019 Grad student Lisa Koshko and Mikaela Sacla are presenting their data at Biology Departmental Retreat.
9/2019 Our lab was awarded an Environmental Health Sciences CURES pilot grant
8/2019 Check out our new paper in AJP:
8/2019 We start a tradition of Summer Barbecue day out on Belle Isle (Detroit) together with Klueh lab!
6/2019 Olesya Didyuk gives a talk at the Michigan Physiology meeting (WSU team Physiology)
6/2019 Our beautiful new stereotactic apparatus arrives, and some of us are very excited…
6/ 2019 ADA 2019 (San Francisco, CA)
5/2019 Dr. Sadagurski presented our lab work at Pan-American Physiology meeting (Cuba).
5/2019 American Heart Association Walk! Full participation from our lab (with Dr. Steve Lanier, OVPR), and some drinks after a successful walk!
4/2019 Fun birthday party with Klueh lab!
4/2019 Olesya and Abby are presenting at Undergraduate research Day at WSU
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Endo 2019 in New Orleans
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Michigan Diabetes meeting at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sadagurski is giving an oral presentation
2/2019 Dr. Juliana Lima is joining our team! Go DREADDs!
1/2019 Our lab has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to support incoming postdoc for two years! Thank you OVPR!
12/2018 Lucas presented a talk at the monthly meeting of Neuroendocrine Control of Metabolism Research Club at the University of Michigan on “Air-pollution induced insulin resistance is associated with hypothalamic gliosis in male mice”
12/2018 Annual Holiday party together with Klueh lab
12/18 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the University of Indianapolis
11/18 Lucas and Abby presented at the annual Biology retreat
10/18 Ivan presented a talk at the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Day
04/18 Maddy and Ivan presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Society for Neuroscience
01/18 Dr. Sadagurski was interviewed on her lab research during the halftime of the WSU basketball game
11/17 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development grant was awarded to determine the role of hypothalamic GHR expressing neurons in glucose metabolism. See here the announcement on the CLAS website.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Michigan
10/17 Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Iven Ayyar and Louai Elatrache!
10/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Department of Pharmacology of Wayne State University.
10/17 Check out our Editorial on neuroinflammation in Aging
8/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave an invited talk at the Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience as part of IINN monthly seminar series.
7/17 Check out Dr. Sadagurski’s interview in Science! Dr. Sadagurski discussed a recent paper from Dongsheng Cai lab.
07/17 Dr. Sadagurski presented at FASEB meeting on glucose transporters in Snowmass village CO
05/17 Check out our new paper in Aging Cell
03/17 Check out our new paper in Molecular Metabolism
03/17 Maddy Koch and Sruthi Ramesh joined the lab – welcome!
01/17 Welcome Gillian Cady!
12/16 Our lab is up and running!
August 2022
- Our new paper on the role of GHR signaling in AgRP neurons on thermoregulation is finally submitted!! Congrats to the team for all the efforts! “Growth hormone receptor (GHR) in AgRP neurons regulates thermogenesis in aged mice in a sex-specific manner”
- Our lab welcomes a new rotation graduate student Ana Luiza Terra dos Santos from the University of Sao Paulo (USP)! We are very excited to have Ana on board!
We are so proud of Hashan Jayarathne for being awarded Graduate Research Award from Biological Sciences! Congrats Hashan!
Our new collaborative @ITP Cana paper was accepted to GeroScience!! “Canagliflozin Retards Age-Related Lesions in Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Adrenal Gland in Genetically Heterogenous Male Mice”
Congrats to Hashan for scoring another paper!
July 2022
Congrats to Lisa Koshko for successfully passing her Ph.D. prospectus!
June 2022
Celebrating summer and our new papers!
Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney!! Our review article ” Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming” was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Endocrinology!
May 2022
Our paper “Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: lessons from aged genetically diverse UM-HET3 mice” was accepted for publication in Aging Cell! Congrats to Hashan, Lucas, and Jacob for the excellent work!!
Our lab presentations at AGE 2022, Texas, San Antonio.
@LukeStilgenbauer’s (grad student) first talk at the national meeting!
@LucasDebarba (postdoctoral fellow) giving a talk as AGE Early Career Scholar
And don’t forget to check our poster by @HashanJayarathne
Marianna was talking about our research at FASEB meeting
Our lab presentations at Michigan Diabetes Symposium
April 2022
Lucas Debarba and Luke Stilgenbauer have been selected for a Travel Award at the 2022 American Aging Association Annual Meeting
March 2022
NIH Grant Award to Support Brain and Environmental Research
The Sadagurski lab received a new NIH grant award R01ES033171 ‘Benzene exposure promotes neuroinflammation and metabolic dysregulation’ to examine the links between air pollution, metabolic disease, and hypothalamic inflammation through 2027.
Presenting our posters at the #SOT2022 meeting, San Diego! @LucasDebarba and @LisaKoshko
Lucas Debarba was selected as an American Aging Association (AGE) Early Career Scholar for 2022!!
Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer for becoming T32 fellow at Detroit Cardiovascular Training Program (DCTP)
Lucas Debarba receives Postdoctoral Travel Grant for ADA!!! Congrats!!!
February 2022
Congratulation to Lucas Debarba, for receiving a Postdoctoral Research Award and a Postdoctoral Service Award from WSU!!!
January 2022
Join us to submit an article on this exciting topic of Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease
Congrats to Hashan and Luke for presenting their work as short talks at the WSU Graduate Student Research Presentation Day (GSRPD)
Our new paper demonstrating novel neuroprotective effects of SGLT2i, Canagliflozin in aging brain is finally submitted! Congrats to Hashan and Lucas for excellent work! Check out the preprint on bioRxiv.
December 2021
Celebrating the end of the successful year for our lab!!
We are grateful for the new funding support from Michigan Diabetes Research Center!! Go Blue!
Our lab receives funding from Impetus Grants
- Marianna Sadagurski is now on the advisory board for Lactocore
November 2021
Our lab first R01!!! NIEHS!!!
- Congrats Hashan for a beautiful oral presentation at Biological Sciences retreat. “A novel diabetes drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”. 3 poster presentations from our lab from Lisa, Luke and Lukas Retreat Brochure 2021
October 2021
- Congrats Lucas for winning 2nd place for postdoc posters presentation at the Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
- Sadagurski lab seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences WSU
September 2021
- Invited seminar at Saint Louis University Sadagurski Seminar Flyer
- Our lab welcomes two rotation Ms. students: Mohamed Dabaja and Sydney Quagliato
- Congratulations Lisa for the best poster award at the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium!!!
August 2021
- Keeping up with traditions! End of summer picnic (Belle Isle with Klueh lab)
- Congartulations Lisa for being awarded this year Biological Sciences Graduate Research award!! Well deserved!
- Our lab welcomes undergraduate student (neuroscience major) Jawad Saad.
July 2021
- Finally our first CGM study in collaboration with Uli Klueh lab (Biomedical Engineering)
Stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff focusing on hypothalamic glucose-sensing neurons and glia interactions with a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) under environmental stress and aging!!!
- Congratulation to Lucas and Hashan! Their new paper was accepted to the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. We demonstrate that sex-specific effects of 17-a-estradiol on age-associated gliosis are brain region-specific and are partially dependent on gonadectomy.
- Join us at the AGE meeting in person or virtual!! July 20-23
Marianna will be presenting our new data on the effect of Canagliflozin on neuroinflammation and cognitive function
- Lisa Koshko is now the T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Scholar! Congrats Lisa!!!
- Welcome to MA student Jacob Jaboro and biology undergraduate student Devra Athanasiadis!
June 2021
- Check out Lucas’s virtual poster at the 2021 Keystone Symposia Conference. Neuro-Immune interactions in Health and Disease.
“Microglia-specific IKK inflammatory pathway in pollution-induced metabolic dysfunction“.
- Hashan is presenting his data on the aging brain and novel drug Canagliflozin at the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium 2021.
Join the discussion and listen to his recording!
“A novel anti-aging drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”.
April 2021
Two papers from our group are now accepted to the Special Issue ” GH and GHR Signaling in Disease and Health” in Cells!
Congratulation to Juliana and the wonderful team!
ARCGHR Neurons Regulate Muscle Glucose Uptake
Hypothalamic GHR—SIRT1 Axis in Fasting
4/10/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
The seminar topic: Deciphering the role of growth hormone receptor (GHR) expressing neurons in glucose metabolism.
March 2021 news!
3/7/2021 With sadness we say goodbye to Juliana!
Juliana is leaving the lab to join the team in Novartis Brazil as a medical liaison! Good luck Juliana in this exciting new opportunity and your dream job 🙂
3/2/2021 Lisa Koshko and Lucas Debarba paper is featured at WSU Biology media
Congrats Hashan and Lisa for presenting talks at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
Luke and Partick are presenting posters at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
2/8/2021 Our lab will be hosting a seminar speaker Dr. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center. Join the seminar!
“Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution: Attributable Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
2/3/2021 Juliana is presenting her research at the Keystone Diabetes meeting 2021. Joint Session on CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis and Blood Glucose (virtual)!
2/2/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at Saint Louis University (SLU)
1/2021 Great start for 2021 for our lab!!
**Lisa’s and Lucas’s paper on gestational predisposition to Diabetes due to maternal exposure to the volatile organic compounds was accepted for publication in Toxicological Sciences!!!!!
**Juliana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Diabetes meeting!! Diabetes and Obesity Program
**Lucas will be presenting a poster and a short 5 minutes talk at the same meeting
** Lucas will be presenting his work at UM Diabetes and Metabolism seminars Integrative Aspects Schedule 2020-2021
11/2020 Our lab is featured in Biological Sciences Magazine
11/2020 Some good news for Juliana and Lucas! Our new work is published in the Pituitary. Meeting abstracts from the 2020 International Meeting on GH/IGF: actions in the shadow of COVID19
11/2020 Our new “Sadagurski/Kinney/Alcedo journal club” was established and running!! Way to go Juliana for this initiative!
9/2020 Our new collaborative paper is finally online!! Congrats to Lucas and Hashan!!
“Canagliflozin extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous male but not female mice”, JCI Insight
9/2020 An amazing event hosted by Marianna Sadagurski! Please join us!
8/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Growth hormone receptor (GHR)-expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus regulate glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. @julianabez_, @LucasDebarba
8/2020 Lisa Koshko our first graduate student M.S. Biotech in Biological Sciences, defended her thesis “Metabolic Reprogramming by In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure”. Congrats Lisa!!
5/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Sex hormones play a significant role in mediating 17a-Estradiol effects on the aging brain and neuroinflammation. @LucasDebarba, @HashanJayarath1
5/ 2020 Our new paper titled ” Acarbose Protects From Central and Peripheral Metabolic Imbalance Induced by Benzene Exposure” was accepted for publication at Brain Behavior and Immunity! Congrats Lucas!
5/2020 Juliana presents her research by giving a talk at MDRC Virtual Diabetes Symposium 2020
5/2020 We are thrilled to present the first seminar in GH/IGF-1 online sessions!
4/2020 We are starting a new online seminar series on the role of GH and IGF-1 in metabolism and aging! Please join us starting May 7 at 3:30 PM! The focus will be on the central and peripheral role of the GH/IGF1 axis!
4/2020 Juliana is using the online platform to present her research for the University of Michigan community (Neuroscience and Endocrinology). Join us online!
3/2020 While universities everywhere are closed, we are moving to the online platform to present our research to the Aging community! Log in and listen to the amazing talks from our colleagues all over the world! #Aging in Isolation
- March 19: Dr. Marianna Sadagurski, Glia in the aging brain and anti-aging interventions under stress
3/2020 Lucas’s new paper on the effects of Benzene exposure on metabolic imbalance and neuroinflammation is submitted! A new preprint is posted in BioRxiv:
3/2020 Check out our new collaborative study with the University of Michigan in Scientific Reports:
3/2020 Symposium Award winners!
Our grad students Hashan Jayarathne and Lisa Koshko are being awarded 2nd place and honorable mention at 10th Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congrats guys!
1/2020 Great news for our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah! Chidera was awarded a competitive Minority Undergraduate Internship Award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for a period of one year. Her ADA project titled: “The role of hypothalamic GHR-SIRT1 axis in energy homeostasis” will be performed under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow in the lab Juliana Lima. Chidera will be studying the links between epigenetic master regulator SIRT1 and the neuroendocrine systems in the brain in response to diet-induced obesity.
12/2019 Lucas Debarba presented his research at CMMG meeting
11/2019 Our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah was awarded NSF funded APEX MI-LSAMP fellowship!
11/2019 A new rotation graduate student Hashan Jayarathne is joining the lab! Welcome, Hashan!
10/2019 Grad student Lisa Koshko and Mikaela Sacla are presenting their data at Biology Departmental Retreat.
9/2019 Our lab was awarded an Environmental Health Sciences CURES pilot grant
8/2019 Check out our new paper in AJP:
8/2019 We start a tradition of Summer Barbecue day out on Belle Isle (Detroit) together with Klueh lab!
6/2019 Olesya Didyuk gives a talk at the Michigan Physiology meeting (WSU team Physiology)
6/2019 Our beautiful new stereotactic apparatus arrives, and some of us are very excited…
6/ 2019 ADA 2019 (San Francisco, CA)
5/2019 Dr. Sadagurski presented our lab work at Pan-American Physiology meeting (Cuba).
5/2019 American Heart Association Walk! Full participation from our lab (with Dr. Steve Lanier, OVPR), and some drinks after a successful walk!
4/2019 Fun birthday party with Klueh lab!
4/2019 Olesya and Abby are presenting at Undergraduate research Day at WSU
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Endo 2019 in New Orleans
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Michigan Diabetes meeting at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sadagurski is giving an oral presentation
2/2019 Dr. Juliana Lima is joining our team! Go DREADDs!
1/2019 Our lab has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to support incoming postdoc for two years! Thank you OVPR!
12/2018 Lucas presented a talk at the monthly meeting of Neuroendocrine Control of Metabolism Research Club at the University of Michigan on “Air-pollution induced insulin resistance is associated with hypothalamic gliosis in male mice”
12/2018 Annual Holiday party together with Klueh lab
12/18 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the University of Indianapolis
11/18 Lucas and Abby presented at the annual Biology retreat
10/18 Ivan presented a talk at the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Day
04/18 Maddy and Ivan presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Society for Neuroscience
01/18 Dr. Sadagurski was interviewed on her lab research during the halftime of the WSU basketball game
11/17 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development grant was awarded to determine the role of hypothalamic GHR expressing neurons in glucose metabolism. See here the announcement on the CLAS website.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Michigan
10/17 Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Iven Ayyar and Louai Elatrache!
10/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Department of Pharmacology of Wayne State University.
10/17 Check out our Editorial on neuroinflammation in Aging
8/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave an invited talk at the Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience as part of IINN monthly seminar series.
7/17 Check out Dr. Sadagurski’s interview in Science! Dr. Sadagurski discussed a recent paper from Dongsheng Cai lab.
07/17 Dr. Sadagurski presented at FASEB meeting on glucose transporters in Snowmass village CO
05/17 Check out our new paper in Aging Cell
03/17 Check out our new paper in Molecular Metabolism
03/17 Maddy Koch and Sruthi Ramesh joined the lab – welcome!
01/17 Welcome Gillian Cady!
12/16 Our lab is up and running!
August 2022
- Our new paper on the role of GHR signaling in AgRP neurons on thermoregulation is finally submitted!! Congrats to the team for all the efforts! “Growth hormone receptor (GHR) in AgRP neurons regulates thermogenesis in aged mice in a sex-specific manner”
- Our lab welcomes a new rotation graduate student Ana Luiza Terra dos Santos from the University of Sao Paulo (USP)! We are very excited to have Ana on board!
We are so proud of Hashan Jayarathne for being awarded Graduate Research Award from Biological Sciences! Congrats Hashan!
Our new collaborative @ITP Cana paper was accepted to GeroScience!! “Canagliflozin Retards Age-Related Lesions in Heart, Kidney, Liver, and Adrenal Gland in Genetically Heterogenous Male Mice”
Congrats to Hashan for scoring another paper!
July 2022
Congrats to Lisa Koshko for successfully passing her Ph.D. prospectus!
June 2022
Celebrating summer and our new papers!
Congratulations to Lisa and Sydney!! Our review article ” Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming” was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Endocrinology!
May 2022
Our paper “Neuroprotective effects of Canagliflozin: lessons from aged genetically diverse UM-HET3 mice” was accepted for publication in Aging Cell! Congrats to Hashan, Lucas, and Jacob for the excellent work!!
Our lab presentations at AGE 2022, Texas, San Antonio.
@LukeStilgenbauer’s (grad student) first talk at the national meeting!
@LucasDebarba (postdoctoral fellow) giving a talk as AGE Early Career Scholar
And don’t forget to check our poster by @HashanJayarathne
Marianna was talking about our research at FASEB meeting
Our lab presentations at Michigan Diabetes Symposium
April 2022
Lucas Debarba and Luke Stilgenbauer have been selected for a Travel Award at the 2022 American Aging Association Annual Meeting
March 2022
NIH Grant Award to Support Brain and Environmental Research
The Sadagurski lab received a new NIH grant award R01ES033171 ‘Benzene exposure promotes neuroinflammation and metabolic dysregulation’ to examine the links between air pollution, metabolic disease, and hypothalamic inflammation through 2027.
Presenting our posters at the #SOT2022 meeting, San Diego! @LucasDebarba and @LisaKoshko
Lucas Debarba was selected as an American Aging Association (AGE) Early Career Scholar for 2022!!
Congratulations to Luke Stilgenbauer for becoming T32 fellow at Detroit Cardiovascular Training Program (DCTP)
Lucas Debarba receives Postdoctoral Travel Grant for ADA!!! Congrats!!!
February 2022
Congratulation to Lucas Debarba, for receiving a Postdoctoral Research Award and a Postdoctoral Service Award from WSU!!!
January 2022
Join us to submit an article on this exciting topic of Environmental Stressors and Metabolic Disease
Congrats to Hashan and Luke for presenting their work as short talks at the WSU Graduate Student Research Presentation Day (GSRPD)
Our new paper demonstrating novel neuroprotective effects of SGLT2i, Canagliflozin, in the aging brain is finally submitted! Congrats to Hashan and Lucas for excellent work! Check out the preprint on bioRxiv.
December 2021
Celebrating the end of the successful year for our lab!!
We are grateful for the new funding support from the Michigan Diabetes Research Center!! Go Blue!
Our lab receives funding from Impetus Grants
- Marianna Sadagurski is now on the advisory board for Lactocore
November 2021
Our lab first R01!!! NIEHS!!!
- Congrats, Hashan, for a beautiful oral presentation at the Biological Sciences retreat. “A novel diabetes drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”. 3 poster presentations from our lab from Lisa, Luke, and Lukas Retreat Brochure 2021
October 2021
- Congrats Lucas for winning 2nd place for postdoc posters presentation at the Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
- Sadagurski lab seminar at the Department of Biological Sciences WSU
September 2021
- Invited seminar at Saint Louis University Sadagurski Seminar Flyer
- Our lab welcomes two rotation Ms. students: Mohamed Dabaja and Sydney Quagliato
- Congratulations Lisa for the best poster award at the Chemistry Biology Interface Symposium!!!
August 2021
- Keeping up with traditions! End of summer picnic (Belle Isle with Klueh lab)
- Congartulations Lisa for being awarded this year Biological Sciences Graduate Research award!! Well deserved!
- Our lab welcomes undergraduate student (neuroscience major) Jawad Saad.
July 2021
- Finally our first CGM study in collaboration with Uli Klueh lab (Biomedical Engineering)
Stay tuned for lots of exciting stuff focusing on hypothalamic glucose-sensing neurons and glia interactions with a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) under environmental stress and aging!!!
- Congratulation to Lucas and Hashan! Their new paper was accepted to the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. We demonstrate that sex-specific effects of 17-a-estradiol on age-associated gliosis are brain region-specific and are partially dependent on gonadectomy.
- Join us at the AGE meeting in person or virtual!! July 20-23
Marianna will be presenting our new data on the effect of Canagliflozin on neuroinflammation and cognitive function
- Lisa Koshko is now the T32 Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Scholar! Congrats Lisa!!!
- Welcome to MA student Jacob Jaboro and biology undergraduate student Devra Athanasiadis!
June 2021
- Check out Lucas’s virtual poster at the 2021 Keystone Symposia Conference. Neuro-Immune interactions in Health and Disease.
“Microglia-specific IKK inflammatory pathway in pollution-induced metabolic dysfunction“.
- Hashan is presenting his data on the aging brain and novel drug Canagliflozin at the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Beyond Amyloid Research Symposium 2021.
Join the discussion and listen to his recording!
“A novel anti-aging drug Canagliflozin as a potential treatment for aging brain pathologies”.
April 2021
Two papers from our group are now accepted to the Special Issue ” GH and GHR Signaling in Disease and Health” in Cells!
Congratulation to Juliana and the wonderful team!
ARCGHR Neurons Regulate Muscle Glucose Uptake
Hypothalamic GHR—SIRT1 Axis in Fasting
4/10/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
The seminar topic: Deciphering the role of growth hormone receptor (GHR) expressing neurons in glucose metabolism.
March 2021 news!
3/7/2021 With sadness, we say goodbye to Juliana!
Juliana is leaving the lab to join the team in Novartis Brazil as a medical liaison! Good luck Juliana in this exciting new opportunity and your dream job 🙂
3/2/2021 Lisa Koshko and Lucas Debarba paper is featured at WSU Biology media
Congrats Hashan and Lisa for presenting talks at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
Luke and Partick are presenting posters at the 2021 WSU Graduate Research Symposium
2/8/2021 Our lab will be hosting a seminar speaker Dr. Deborah A. Cory-Slechta, Professor of Environmental Medicine, Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center. Join the seminar!
“Developmental Exposure to Air Pollution: Attributable Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders”
2/3/2021 Juliana is presenting her research at the Keystone Diabetes meeting 2021. Joint Session on CNS Control of Energy Homeostasis and Blood Glucose (virtual)!
2/2/2021 Marianna is presenting our new research at Saint Louis University (SLU)
1/2021 Great start for 2021 for our lab!!
**Lisa’s and Lucas’s paper on gestational predisposition to diabetes due to maternal exposure to the volatile organic compounds was accepted for publication in Toxicological Sciences!!!!!
**Juliana was selected to give an oral presentation at the Keystone Diabetes meeting!! Diabetes and Obesity Program
**Lucas will be presenting a poster and a short 5 minutes talk at the same meeting
** Lucas will be presenting his work at UM Diabetes and Metabolism seminars Integrative Aspects Schedule 2020-2021
11/2020 Our lab is featured in Biological Sciences Magazine
11/2020 Some good news for Juliana and Lucas! Our new work is published in the Pituitary. Meeting abstracts from the 2020 International Meeting on GH/IGF: actions in the shadow of COVID19
11/2020 Our new “Sadagurski/Kinney/Alcedo journal club” was established and running!! Way to go Juliana for this initiative!
9/2020 Our new collaborative paper is finally online!! Congrats to Lucas and Hashan!!
“Canagliflozin extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous male but not female mice”, JCI Insight
9/2020 An amazing event hosted by Marianna Sadagurski! Please join us!
8/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Growth hormone receptor (GHR)-expressing neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus regulate glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. @julianabez_, @LucasDebarba
8/2020 Lisa Koshko our first graduate student M.S. Biotech in Biological Sciences, defended her thesis “Metabolic Reprogramming by In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure”. Congrats Lisa!!
5/2020 Check out our new submitted paper in BioRxiv . Sex hormones play a significant role in mediating 17a-Estradiol effects on the aging brain and neuroinflammation. @LucasDebarba, @HashanJayarath1
5/ 2020 Our new paper titled ” Acarbose Protects From Central and Peripheral Metabolic Imbalance Induced by Benzene Exposure” was accepted for publication at Brain Behavior and Immunity! Congrats Lucas!
5/2020 Juliana presents her research by giving a talk at MDRC Virtual Diabetes Symposium 2020
5/2020 We are thrilled to present the first seminar in GH/IGF-1 online sessions!
4/2020 We are starting a new online seminar series on the role of GH and IGF-1 in metabolism and aging! Please join us starting May 7 at 3:30 PM! The focus will be on the central and peripheral role of the GH/IGF1 axis!
4/2020 Juliana is using the online platform to present her research for the University of Michigan community (Neuroscience and Endocrinology). Join us online!
3/2020 While universities everywhere are closed, we are moving to the online platform to present our research to the Aging community! Log in and listen to the amazing talks from our colleagues all over the world! #Aging in Isolation
- March 19: Dr. Marianna Sadagurski, Glia in the aging brain and anti-aging interventions under stress
3/2020 Lucas’s new paper on the effects of Benzene exposure on metabolic imbalance and neuroinflammation is submitted! A new preprint is posted in BioRxiv:
3/2020 Check out our new collaborative study with the University of Michigan in Scientific Reports:
3/2020 Symposium Award winners!
Our grad students Hashan Jayarathne and Lisa Koshko are being awarded 2nd place and honorable mention at 10th Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium! Congrats guys!
1/2020 Great news for our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah! Chidera was awarded a competitive Minority Undergraduate Internship Award from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) for a period of one year. Her ADA project titled: “The role of hypothalamic GHR-SIRT1 axis in energy homeostasis” will be performed under the direct supervision of a postdoctoral fellow in the lab Juliana Lima. Chidera will be studying the links between epigenetic master regulator SIRT1 and the neuroendocrine systems in the brain in response to diet-induced obesity.
12/2019 Lucas Debarba presented his research at CMMG meeting
11/2019 Our undergraduate student Chidera Ubah was awarded NSF funded APEX MI-LSAMP fellowship!
11/2019 A new rotation graduate student Hashan Jayarathne is joining the lab! Welcome, Hashan!
10/2019 Grad students Lisa Koshko and Mikaela Sacla are presenting their data at the Biology Departmental Retreat.
9/2019 Our lab was awarded an Environmental Health Sciences CURES pilot grant
8/2019 Check out our new paper in AJP:
8/2019 We start a tradition of Summer Barbecue day out on Belle Isle (Detroit) together with Klueh lab!
6/2019 Olesya Didyuk gives a talk at the Michigan Physiology meeting (WSU team Physiology)
6/2019 Our beautiful new stereotactic apparatus arrives, and some of us are very excited…
6/ 2019 ADA 2019 (San Francisco, CA)
5/2019 Dr. Sadagurski presented our lab work at Pan-American Physiology meeting (Cuba).
5/2019 American Heart Association Walk! Full participation from our lab (with Dr. Steve Lanier, OVPR), and some drinks after a successful walk!
4/2019 Fun birthday party with Klueh lab!
4/2019 Olesya and Abby are presenting at Undergraduate research Day at WSU
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Endo 2019 in New Orleans
3/2019 Lucas is presenting his data at Michigan Diabetes meeting at the University of Michigan. Dr. Sadagurski is giving an oral presentation.
2/2019 Dr. Juliana Lima is joining our team! Go DREADDs!
1/2019 Our lab has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to support incoming postdoc for two years! Thank you OVPR!
12/2018 Lucas presented a talk at the monthly meeting of Neuroendocrine Control of Metabolism Research Club at the University of Michigan on “Air-pollution induced insulin resistance is associated with hypothalamic gliosis in male mice”
12/2018 Annual Holiday party together with Klueh lab
12/18 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the University of Indianapolis
11/18 Lucas and Abby presented at the annual Biology retreat
10/18 Ivan presented a talk at the 21st annual Graduate Student Research Day
04/18 Maddy and Ivan presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Society for Neuroscience
01/18 Dr. Sadagurski was interviewed on her lab research during the halftime of the WSU basketball game
11/17 American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development grant was awarded to determine the role of hypothalamic GHR expressing neurons in glucose metabolism. See here the announcement on the CLAS website.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University.
11/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a seminar at the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Michigan
10/17 Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Iven Ayyar and Louai Elatrache!
10/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave a departmental seminar at the Department of Pharmacology of Wayne State University.
10/17 Check out our Editorial on neuroinflammation in Aging
8/17 Dr. Sadagurski gave an invited talk at the Insight Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience as part of IINN monthly seminar series.
7/17 Check out Dr. Sadagurski’s interview in Science! Dr. Sadagurski discussed a recent paper from Dongsheng Cai lab.
07/17 Dr. Sadagurski presented at FASEB meeting on glucose transporters in Snowmass village CO
05/17 Check out our new paper in Aging Cell
03/17 Check out our new paper in Molecular Metabolism
03/17 Maddy Koch and Sruthi Ramesh joined the lab – welcome!
01/17 Welcome Gillian Cady!
12/16 Our lab is up and running!