Scholarly Edition
Polemical Poetry (Poems 1-19)
- Amor Ordinem Nescit
- All things desires and loves are vaine
- My God to thee I dedicate
- O thou thy self dost say to us
- And that my wicked heart did prove
- O I desire no tongue or penne
- O lette me as the silver streams
- And in whats’ere that worde is writte
- And shall my soule by senseless love
- No Stagge in chase so thirstie is
- For since I am not where I love
- I fledde from thee by manie sinnes
- For if they do retorne to thee
- My soule where is thy Love and Lorde
- Of Suffering and Bearing the Crosse
- O can that soule that loues her God
- And in this waie do not thinke much
- My heart shall onlie this desire
- Renowned More whose bloody Fate
Intercessory Poetry (Poems 20-23)
- To our Blessed Laidy the Aduocate of Sinners
- To Ovr Blessed Lady the Aduocate of Sinners
- To our most Holy Father Saint Benedict
- O Glorious Saint whose hart did burne
Doggerel Poetry (Poems 24-27)
- O Lord my God to thee I do aspire
- O let me rather death imbrace
- From Multiplicitie and dejection
- Deus meus impleat omne desiderium meum
Modernized Edition
Polemical Poetry (Poems 1-19)
- Amor Ordinem Nescit
- All things desires and loves are vain
- My God to thee I dedicate
- O thou thyself dost say to us
- And-that-my-wicked-heart-did-prove
- O I desire no tongue or pen
- O let me as the silver streams
- And in whatsoe’er that word is writ
- And shall my soul by senseless love
- No Stag in chase so thirsty is
- For since I am not where I love
- I fled from thee by many sins
- For if they do return to thee
- My soul where is thy Love and Lord
- Of Suffering and Bearing the Cross
- O can that soul that loves her God
- And in this way do not think much
- My heart shall only this desire
- Renowned More whose bloody Fate
Intercessory Poetry (Poems 20-23)
- To our Blessed Lady the Advocate of Sinners
- To Our Blessed Lady the Advocate of Sinners
- To our most Holy Father Saint Benedict
- O Glorious Saint whose heart did burn