
Scholarly Edition


Polemical Poetry (Poems 1-19)

  1. Amor Ordinem Nescit
  2. All things desires and loves are vaine
  3. My God to thee I dedicate
  4. O thou thy self dost say to us
  5. And that my wicked heart did prove
  6. O I desire no tongue or penne
  7. O lette me as the silver streams
  8. And in whats’ere that worde is writte
  9. And shall my soule by senseless love
  10. No Stagge in chase so thirstie is
  11. For since I am not where I love
  12. I fledde from thee by manie sinnes
  13. For if they do retorne to thee
  14. My soule where is thy Love and Lorde
  15. Of Suffering and Bearing the Crosse
  16. O can that soule that loues her God
  17. And in this waie do not thinke much
  18. My heart shall onlie this desire
  19. Renowned More whose bloody Fate

Intercessory Poetry (Poems 20-23)

  1. To our Blessed Laidy the Aduocate of Sinners
  2. To Ovr Blessed Lady the Aduocate of Sinners
  3. To our most Holy Father Saint Benedict
  4. O Glorious Saint whose hart did burne

Doggerel Poetry (Poems 24-27)

  1. O Lord my God to thee I do aspire
  2. O let me rather death imbrace
  3. From Multiplicitie and dejection
  4. Deus meus impleat omne desiderium meum

Modernized Edition

Polemical Poetry (Poems 1-19)

  1. Amor Ordinem Nescit
  2. All things desires and loves are vain
  3. My God to thee I dedicate
  4. O thou thyself dost say to us
  5. And-that-my-wicked-heart-did-prove
  6. O I desire no tongue or pen
  7. O let me as the silver streams
  8. And in whatsoe’er that word is writ
  9. And shall my soul by senseless love
  10. No Stag in chase so thirsty is
  11. For since I am not where I love
  12. I fled from thee by many sins
  13. For if they do return to thee
  14. My soul where is thy Love and Lord
  15. Of Suffering and Bearing the Cross
  16. O can that soul that loves her God
  17. And in this way do not think much
  18. My heart shall only this desire
  19. Renowned More whose bloody Fate

Intercessory Poetry (Poems 20-23)

  1. To our Blessed Lady the Advocate of Sinners
  2. To Our Blessed Lady the Advocate of Sinners
  3. To our most Holy Father Saint Benedict
  4. O Glorious Saint whose heart did burn

Doggerel Poetry (Poems 24-27)

  1. O Lord my God to thee I do aspire
  2. O let me rather death embrace
  3. From Multiplicity and dejection
  4. Deus meus impleat omne desiderium meum