
Amor Ordinem Nescit

Line 28, Me] My

Line 90, Nor] Not

Line 92, complaine] cemplaine

Line 97, beseech] besheech

Line 143, cald] culd

Line 256, lose] losse

All things, desires, and loves are vaine

Line 32, feruently] fernently

Line 60, What can I wish for more?] What can I wish for I more?

Lines 129-130, And neuer can I it too much / Speak of, or it desire] And neuer can I it too much Speak of, or / it desire

My God to thee I dedicate

Line 11 Ile] le

O thou thy self dost say to us

Line 1, O thou thy self dost say to vs:] O thou thy self dost say to vs:

Line 2, Thou wilt not sinners death,] Thou wilt not sinners death,

Line 3, But that we do conuert and liue] But that we do conuert and liue

Line 17, For] Fot

Line 35, Hath] Hath

O I desire no tongue or penne

Line 7, It] I

I fledde from thee by manie sinnes

Line 2, didst] dist

Of Suffering and Bearing the Crosse

Line 51, loue] lou

Line 69, loue] lou

Line 76, good] God

To Ovr Blessed Lady the Aduocate of Sinners

Line 2 and] aud