London Heiress

London Heiress.

Printed by T. Birt, 10, Great St. Andrew-Street, (wholesale and
retail,) Seven Dials London. Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on resonable terms

Children’s Books, Battledores, Pictures, &c.

In London lived an Heiress unto a Gentleman,
And all her Father’s care was to wed her to a man;
The farmer’s son being handsome, he gan’d the lady’s heart
They were so close engaged no ranson could them part.
When her Father came to know his daughter’s foolish mind
He said unto his daughter you must be other ways inclin’d
For spring time is drawing near and press time coming on
And all her father’s care was to press the farmer’s son
But when this lady came to know of her father’s cruelty,
She said unto herself, my love, I soon will follow thee,
I’ll dress myself in man’s attire and after him will go,
I’ll boldly plough the ocean where the stormy winds do blow.
On the Fourth of October, the battle it began,
In the front of the battle they plac’d the farmer’s son,
Where he receiv’d a dreadful wound, which pierc’d him to the heart,
O! said he, where is she that would ease me of my smart.
Unto the Surgeon’s cabin they had this lad convey’d,
There was no one to wait on him but the Surgeon’s serv[ing] maid;
And when she turned herself around, he view’d her every part,
O! said he, one like thee, was once mistress of my heart.
You are very right young man, she said, your freedom I’ll enlarge,
Here is fifty guineas for to clear you of your discharge;
Then she went before the Captain, & fell upon her knees
She bought her love, and brought him safe over the raging seas.
When she came to her father’s gate, she kneeled there awhile
Then her father said unto her now I see my own dear child
The child I have been wanting these seven long years & more
She said, I have been looking for the lad that you sent o’er.
And now since I have found him, all on my native shore,
We will live at home in peace and never sunder more.

View an annotation of this ballad by student Kaitlyn Holt!

BBO Roud Number: 16757