On Board of a Man-Of-War

As I roved out one evening in the Springtime of the Year,I overheard a maid complain for the losing of her dear;She says, I’m sore tormented and troubled in my mind,Since my true love has gone to sea, no comfort can I find. My love’s a gallant young man, dressed up in sailor’s clothes,My love’s…

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Henry and Mary Ann

Henry and Mary Ann Henry and Mary Ann Come listen you loyal lovers to a tale I will unfold,Concering a maiden fair and a young sailor bold–As the conversed together young Mary Ann did say–O stay my dearest Henry and do not go to sea.And leave me here broken-hearted your absence to bewail,So I’ll leave…

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Bonny Mally Stewart

Mally Stuart The cold Winter is past and gone, and now comes on the Spring,And I am one of the King’s Life-guards, and must go fight for my King, My Dear! I must go to fight for my King.Now since to the war you need to go, one thing, pray, grant to me:That I dress…

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Maudlin, The Merchant’s Daughter of Bristol

The Merchants Daughter of Bristow Behold the Touchstone of true Love,Maudlin the Merchants daughter of Bristow Town,Whose firm affection nothing could move, This favor bears the lovely brown.A gallant youth was dwelling by,Which many years had born this maiden great good wilShe loved him so faithfully,But all her friends withstood it still,The young man now…

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Isle of Wight

The Outlandish Lady’s Love To An English Sailor In The Isle of Wight. From the isle of Wight I have brought to lightA young virgin born of noble blood:Dress’d in man’s attire, and she did enquireAfter her true love, ’tis understood.Now this gallant dame from fair France she came,And hath took upon her for to…

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Seaman of Dover

The Seaman of Dover The Seaman of Dover A Seaman of Dover, whose excellent partsFor wisdome and learning, had conquer’d the heartsOf many young damsels of beauty so bright; him this new ditty in brief I shall write.And shew of his turnings and windings of fate,His passions and sorrows so many and greatAnd how he…

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The Loyal Lovers Garland

In Four Parts. You lovers that know what to love doth belong.Come draw near, and listen a while to my song,What tho’ it is strange it is certainly true,It will shew what dangers true lovers go thro’.A noble brave merchant in London did dwell,He had a daughter, whose beauty did excelAll other lasses that liv’d…

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Tragical Ballad

The Tragical Ballad: Or The Lady Who Fell In Love With Her Serving-Man. Part I. Good people pray attend, Unto these lines I’ve penn’d,Which to the world I send,Therefore draw near;And hear what I do say.Alack-and-a-well-a-day,Unto love’s sad decay,Prov’d most severe.There was a servant-man,Who lived near the Strand,As I do understand,He was so fair:So the…

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Bristol Bridegroom

The Merchant of Bristol’s Daughter, and The Lass of the Brow of the Hill. 1791. Merchant’s Daughter of Bristol. You loyal lovers far and near,A true relation you shall hear,Of a young couple that proved to beA pattern of great loyalty. A merchant did in Bristol dwell,As many people knew full well;Who had a daughter…

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Valiant Virgin

The Valiant Virgin; Or, Phillip And Mary; In a Description of a Young Gentlewoman of Worcestershire (aRich Gentlemans Daughter) being in love with a Farmers Son, whichher Father despiseing, because he was poore, caus’d him to be prestto Sea; And how she Disguised herselfe in Man’s Apparel and followed him; where in the same ship…

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Constant Lover of Worchestershire

The Worcestershire Garland; Compos’d of three excellent New Songs. I. The Constant Lover of Worcestershire. II. The Shoolmaster’s Advice about choosing of a Wife. III. The Downfal of Piracy; being a full and true Account of a desperate and bloody Sea-fight between Lieutenant Maynard, and that noted Pirate Captain Teach, commonly call’d by the Name…

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London Heiress

London Heiress London Heiress. Printed by T. Birt, 10, Great St. Andrew-Street, (wholesale and retail,) Seven Dials London. Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on resonable terms Children’s Books, Battledores, Pictures, &c. In London lived an Heiress unto a Gentleman,And all her Father’s care was to wed her to a man;The farmer’s…

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Jack Monroe

Jack Monroe Jack Munro. In Chatham town there liv’d a worthy merchant-man,He had one only daughter as you shall understand;This lady she was courted by many a noble knight,But there was none but Jack could gain her heart’s delight.Her waiting maid standing by, unto her father went,And told him the secret, his daughter’s whole intent;He…

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New York Streets

Female Champion In Three Parts. I. The wandring Female in Man’s ApparelII. Sorrow upon Sorrow, or, Mercy on the Brink of Ruin.III. The Thing desired obtain’d, after long and tedious Travelling by Land, Dangers at Sea, and sharp Hunger. The Female Champion. The wandering Female in Man’s Apparel. Young Men and Damsels of this Land,Draw…

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Constant Lovers

The Constant Lovers The Sailor’s Happy Marriage. There was an old merchant of honor and fame,He lived in London, I knew not his name,He had a young daughter, whose beauty was clear,And persons of honour did court her we hear. Yet nevertheless she refused them all,And lov’d a young sailor that was proper and tall,She…

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Rose of Britain’s Isle

The Rose of Britain’s Isle. Attention give both high and low,And quickly you shall hear,Of a virtuous damsel true and kindWho dwelt in Liecestershire,Her cheeks like the blooming roses were,In her face appeared a smile,The maiden’s name was lovely Jane,The Rose of Britain’s Isle.She was a farmer’s daughter,Her father’s only joy,And in her teens she…

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Bonny Sailor Boy

The Bonny Sailor Boy. There was a rich merchant in Liverpool did dwell,He had but one daughter, few could her excel,With her red rolling cheeks and her rolling black eye,She fell deep in love with her bonny sailor boy. When the rich merchant came this for to understand,He swore he’d banish William to Vandieman’s Land;Be…

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Female Tar

Female Tar. J. Pitts, Printer, & Wholesale Toy Warehouse 6 Great st, Andrew street 7 Dials. Come all you blooming damsels & listen to my songAnd all you pretty maidens that know what to love belong,It is of pretty Sally I unto you shall name,That for the sake of her true love Jemmy did plow…

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Polly Oliver

Polly Oliver Polly Oliver’s Ramble. One night as Polly Oliver lay musing on her bed,A comical fancy came into her head,Neither father or mother shall make me false prove,I’ll list for a soldier and follow my love.Early the next morning this fair maid arose,She dressed herself in a man’s suit of clothesCoat, waistcoat, and breeches…

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Lady Leroy

The Lady Leroy Bright Phoebus was shining all on the broad main,The birds they were singing, all nature serene;I espied a fair couple on Ireland’s shoreA-viewing the ocean, while the billows did roar. The one was a lady, both beauteous and fair,The other a captain, persuading his dear,Persuading his jewel to cross the wide sea,In…

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The Ploughboy. It is of a pretty Plough-boy was ploughing of his land,His horses stopped underneath the shade;It was down in yonder plain he was whistling at his plough,And his chance it was to meet a pretty maid. CHORUS. Pretty maid— And his chance it was to meet a pretty maid. He sang to her…

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