Female Tar

The Female Tar The New Songster’s Companion. Being a Choice Collection…&c. London: Printed and sold by J. Evans, No. 41, Long-Lane, West-Smithfield. The Female Tar. Now dearest Poll I am bound for the ocean Now, dearest, &c.In hopes to gain riches, honor, and promotion,O then, my dearest Jemmy, pray let me attend ye,I’ll brave the…

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Duke of Argyle

The Duke of Argyle It’s farewell, now, Miss Gordi, I’m now going to leave you, For to cross the wide ocean, I don’t mean to deceive you. I’ll cross the wide ocean, where the loud cannon rattle, I will venture my life on the broad field of battle. I’ll dress in men’s attire, Alexander, I’ll…

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Maudlin, The Merchant’s Daughter of Bristol

The Merchants Daughter of Bristow Behold the Touchstone of true Love,Maudlin the Merchants daughter of Bristow Town,Whose firm affection nothing could move, This favor bears the lovely brown.A gallant youth was dwelling by,Which many years had born this maiden great good wilShe loved him so faithfully,But all her friends withstood it still,The young man now…

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Bristol Bridegroom

The Merchant of Bristol’s Daughter, and The Lass of the Brow of the Hill. 1791. Merchant’s Daughter of Bristol. You loyal lovers far and near,A true relation you shall hear,Of a young couple that proved to beA pattern of great loyalty. A merchant did in Bristol dwell,As many people knew full well;Who had a daughter…

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Valiant Virgin

The Valiant Virgin; Or, Phillip And Mary; In a Description of a Young Gentlewoman of Worcestershire (aRich Gentlemans Daughter) being in love with a Farmers Son, whichher Father despiseing, because he was poore, caus’d him to be prestto Sea; And how she Disguised herselfe in Man’s Apparel and followed him; where in the same ship…

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Constant Lover of Worchestershire

The Worcestershire Garland; Compos’d of three excellent New Songs. I. The Constant Lover of Worcestershire. II. The Shoolmaster’s Advice about choosing of a Wife. III. The Downfal of Piracy; being a full and true Account of a desperate and bloody Sea-fight between Lieutenant Maynard, and that noted Pirate Captain Teach, commonly call’d by the Name…

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London Heiress

London Heiress London Heiress. Printed by T. Birt, 10, Great St. Andrew-Street, (wholesale and retail,) Seven Dials London. Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on resonable terms Children’s Books, Battledores, Pictures, &c. In London lived an Heiress unto a Gentleman,And all her Father’s care was to wed her to a man;The farmer’s…

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Cabin Boy

The Cabin Boy. Printed and Sold by R. Walker, near the Duke’s Palace, Norwich. Poll Pennant’s father was a tar, Her uncle smuggled tea, And her relations near and far, Had bus’ness with the sea. She married Jack, pride of the crew, One to her bosom dear; And ‘monastery these sailors quickly knew To hand…

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